
Rusage Russia Airport in Lutsk: Ukrainian exclipation appeals a judgment of a court (video)

The defender of the convicted asserts that he had no secret materials and did not pass to anyone, and on the flash drive with which he was caught was music. Former Ukrainian pilot Vitaliy Sinelnikov intends to challenge the sentence of the Lutsk City Court, which condemned him to 14 years of imprisonment through state treason. The pilot was accused of "drain" data for the air strike on Lutsk airport. About it tells about it "Avers".

The SBU found that Vitaliy Sinelnikov managed the Russian agent network and wanted to take out secret materials. Among them are the information about the airfield in Lutsk. The pilot was detained long before the full -scale invasion of Russia in March 2020. The details of this case are classified as the sentence itself. Sinelnikov now wants to challenge the court's decision, and his lawyer even filed a petition with the Supreme Court of Ukraine to be transferred from the Volyn court to Rivne.

Sinelnikov's defender assures that he had no secret materials and did not pass anyone. "There were no secret materials from Sinelnikov. He did not convey any information to the enemy. He added that there was no airfield on the flash drive. The defendant at one time has released on bail and now comes to every court hearing. "Now the amount of pledge is determined at the amount of 171 thousand hryvnias. It was respectively reduced and already paid.

At the moment when the consideration was carried out, he had the right to go on bail. Now it is actually detention in connection with changes in changes in Criminal Procedure Code, "-says prosecutor Sergey Zuben. The meeting in this case is closed. In March 2020, the SBU detained the head of the agent network of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - a Ukrainian citizen, a former serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the crossing of the state border.

The man planned to leave Ukraine for reporting to Russian curators. The exvement serviceman was recruited by a personnel employee of the State Security Service of the Russian Security Service of the Russian Federation during the departure of the temporarily occupied territories of Luhansk region. He performed the task of collecting and transmitting intelligence information about the military objects of the Armed Forces stationed in Volyn. He also recruited three residents of Volyn region.

Sinelnikov, some of his informants, used the investigation: they claim - and they did not have the idea that they work for Russia. Among these are the famous aviation expert Ilya Smetanin in Lutsk. He is accused of treason under part one of Article 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. On the morning of February 24, 2022, a military aerodrome near Lutsk, Russian aviation struck several blows on the infrastructure of the facility. On March 11, 4 loud explosions were heard in Lutsk again.