
The event signal for Putin: is the formula "territory in exchange for Ukraine's membership in NATO"

Among the ideas that are currently actively discussed in the West as possible scenarios for the completion of the hot phase of the Russian-Ukrainian War-the adoption of Ukraine to NATO according to the model of Western Germany, Financial Times reports. How realistic is such a scenario, found out the focus.

The fact that Western partners, observing the situation on the front, increase the non -public pressure on Kiev, offering options for the fastest completion of hostilities, the British newspaper The Financial Times reports. Referring to sources in diplomatic circles, the publication notes that the Allies began to discuss with Ukraine the scheme of end of the war on the principle of "territory in exchange for NATO membership".

In particular, Kiev seems to be proposed to refuse the return of the territories captured by the Russian army, and instead become a full member of the North Atlantic Alliance, to which its security guarantees will spread. However, only those parts of the country that remained under the control of Kiev at the time of termination of hostilities. According to this plan, allies do not plan to recognize new territories for Russia, and they are offered to Ukraine "diplomatic in the future".

One of the Western diplomats on the conditions of anonymity expressed the opinion that such a temporary concession with territories is "the only possible option for Ukraine to become a member of NATO. " Meanwhile, NATO Jens Stoltenberg has hinted, saying that the incompleteness of the war and the partial occupation of the territory of Ukraine does not necessarily mean that the Allies will in no way agree to full membership of Ukraine.

He recalled the situation of Japan: the United States guarantees not covering the occupied Kuril Islands. Similarly, only Western Germany received the Alliance's protection after its entry into the 1955 block. "When there is political will, there are always ways to find a solution. But some line is needed, which will determine when it is involved in Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty, so Ukraine has to control the entire territory to that line," the former NATO Secretary General.

In the President's office, however, unofficially, the information of the Financial Times is called "delusional". Meanwhile, similar materials were published in other Western editions. Thus, one of the leading Spanish newspapers El Pais has recently reported that the Allies were putting pressure on Ukraine to agree on the end of hostilities and organize negotiations with Russia.

The publication noted that Victory Plan, with which Volodymyr Zelenskyy recently traveled to the United States, was skeptical of both the current President Joe Biden and the White House candidates - Kamala Harris and Republican Donald Trump. According to El Pais, Kyiv partners are increasingly referring to the "pragmatic withdrawal from the war".

Zelensky, meanwhile, states that the partners are working on providing Ukraine with "guarantees of reliable peace" and "long-term security" according to its formula of peace and "without any trade in sovereignty or territories". For their part, the Allies, according to The Washington Post, are going to offer "more specific steps" to NATO's membership.

An unnamed Western diplomat in a conversation with the publication noted that although probable proposals may not fully meet the urgent needs of Kiev, they will still be an important signal. In Moscow, unofficial settlement scenarios commented on Putin's pressecretic Dmitry Peskov, who noted that the fighting would end with "the achievement of all Russian targets.

" Commenting on the focus of the scenario of termination of the war on the model of Western Germany, political scientist Alexei Yakubin notes: "In my opinion, the emergence of information in Financial Times, as well as the statements of NATO Stoltenberg Exhegensk is not just. It is a transfer to the public plane In the West. NATO seems to be the whole territory, and the guarantees extend only to the controlled.

Answering the question of how the Kremlin could respond to such discussions, the expert stated: "Given that Putin was previously justified, but one of the reasons for a full -scale invasion called NATO's inadmissibility, including Ukraine, it is difficult to simulate the reaction The Kremlin, where one person actually makes. It is in the "Victory Plan", which Zelensky presented Biden.

In general, speaking of the German scenario for Ukraine, Alexei Yakubin made the following accent: "In the case of Germany it really worked, but in the end it ended with the weakening of the Soviet Union and the association of two Germany. The discussion is still ongoing, but if the appropriate decision is approved in the event, it will be extremely difficult for us to resist it, since Ukraine is very, very dependent on diverse Western assistance. be realized.

" Emphasizing that Ukraine is currently in a somewhat asymmetrical position on the event, the political scientist emphasized: "If the event will bend this line with a German scenario for Ukraine, we will not be able "Joe Biden called at the leaders of the participating countries.

" Calling a model of Western Germany for Ukraine's accession to NATO, political scientist Dmitry Levus said in conversation with focus: "If we talk about Germany, it was a divided country, and in the case of the Russian Federation we are dealing with open occupation and violation of international law, which In 1945, the emergence of publications on this topic has also changed.

that Ukraine's refusal of the territories that the Russian Federation proclaimed is a condition for the beginning of negotiations, but not a condition for establishing peace. " Note that during the negotiations of Moscow awaits complete demilitarization from Kiev, as well as refusal of sovereignty in the part of Euro -Atlantic integration, the expert added: "In this sense, all these so -called German scenarios are an effort to achieve peace that is not really peace .

As the other day in one of his appeals, Zelensky answered, emphasizing that there can be no trade in territories and a sovereignty condition for the peace process. " In general, according to Dmitry Levus, Ukraine's refusal to join NATO is the condition on which the Kremlin will insist. At the same time, the political scientist, Moscow, may have arranged a variant of providing Ukraine with an invitation to the Alliance, but the prospects of nominating such an invitation after peace is established.