
Stopped the movement of the Russian Federation: the Armed Forces had a turning point with FPV-Drones-Aero-Intelligence (Video)

The Ukrainian military uses the best technologies to create drones, said aerotevists. Thanks to this, it was possible to stop the promotion of the Armed Forces on the battlefield. Defense forces have learned how to use and produce FPV-aroma to make effective blows to the positions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Ukrainians use the best technologies that real enthusiasts work with.

The breakthrough in the use of drones of air intelligence officers of the 106th Separate Brigade of Territorial Defense Forces was told on the portal "News. Live". The journalists of the portal visited the Sumy region and talked with the Ukrainian military who use FPV-punks against the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Several fighters were told about the features of this type of weapon, among them - the UAV Taras Taras Commander, the chief sergeant of the UAV of the UAV Fedor "Strugun" and others. They agreed that there was a "turning point" in the use of drones. Thanks to this, it was possible to slow down the promotion of units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

According to Tarantino, the breakthrough occurred during the period when the UAV mouth, which was run by Robert Brody with the call sign "Magyar" began to actively act. The Magyara fighters learned to make drones on their own - they specialized in this. In addition, Maria Berlin, the founder of the Victory Drones project. The whole units gradually appeared and they "were able to turn it into a large -scale history.

" Otherwise, without these activists, Russian troops would have more success on the battlefield. "If it were not for these enthusiasts that they gathered around them, a bunch of specialists who learned to make these drones largely and use them in the war, I think that the enemy would, unfortunately, would progress faster," he said. Fyodor Strugun noted that the Ukrainian military reached high levels in the field of drones.

For this purpose they do not save and carefully suits the use of technical resources. "The use of FPV-sides is in the Armed Forces at a fairly high level. We are very careful about the technical resources that provide us and we provide ourselves. We try to choose the best, not save. " It should be noted that the UAV mouth under the leadership of "Magyara" began to use drones against the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the summer of 2022, earlier told focus.

In January 2024, the mouth turned into a battalion - Robert Brody told about it on social networks. In the spring of 2024, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky created the forces of unmanned systems that are engaged in both air, terrestrial, and sea devices. We would like to remind you that on May 22, the Armed Forces fighters showed how a multi-ton Russian tank was blown up with the help of FPV. On May 21, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine showed PAV tests armed with a machine gun.