
The nature of the war has completely changed. How to save the lives of Ukrainian soldiers

Yuri Butusov Editor -in -Chief Censor. NET Preservation of people's lives and their effective use is a key condition for victory in a long -term war, which expects Ukrainian infantry to Ukraine is a spine of war, and since the infantry also work with terroborons, paratroopers, and marines, and marines Both the special forces, the National Guard, and the border guards, we will summarize them so - the troops of the front edge.

In the first months of the war it was clear that due to the lack of timely mobilization, preparation, coherence and weapons, our infantry was forced to go into battle as it is, getting weapons from cars, to fight heroism to save the country. The Ukrainian army, with its iron will, motivation and sacrifice, broke the course of the war. But five months have passed, and the nature of the war has changed completely.

Russia suffered great losses and began to use artillery offensive tactics, strengthens its own infantry, and began a great mobilization. The purpose of the Russian army is to knock out our infantry, to deprive us of the front edge. I think it is possible to streamline the situation in many ways without the cost of significant resources, since they have gotten time for change now? 1. Organization.

The practice of independent application of newly created unnecessary infantry units and joints at this stage of the war requires review. When the enemy conducts a positional offensive, the number of divisions and people with automatic machines does not matter - the organization and combat capacity at each particular point is important.

The core of the organization of fighting on the front is staffing teams, only around them is created in practice, and all newly created connections are logically subordinate to personnel. And not temporarily, as it is done, when the units are given and taken away, then no coherence does not arise. In my opinion, all the Brigades, the Rifle Battalions, units of other defense forces should be subordinate to personnel crews on a permanent basis.

It is desirable that all units and connections from a certain area be introduced into one or two local combat crews. The staff crews will probably be increased to the division, so their staffs need to be strengthened. 2. Acquisition. One infantry platoon solves more tasks at the front than one incapacitated battalion. It is time to change the order of staffing and review the practice of filling in the states by someone who is recorded in the military enlistment office.

Every kind of troops need a selection, especially those who carry the main load of war - infantry, artillery, tanks. Fighters should receive an appropriate level of combat training, intense, at least a month. TRI units, shooting battalions, reserve building - must first allocate time and select and prepare personnel, should be a combat reserve for combat teams. 3. Application.

In the first months of war, there was no time for planning - it was often the case that here is a map, here is a border, forward. So the situation required. But now time has changed.

The large number of losses occurs precisely with the unprepared movement of different units on new borders, when in a chaotic environment fighters face the enemy's positions, or are included in the unprepared defense of the border, which are already under the blow or have no interaction with neighbors and lose flanking and fire support .

In addition to experience and training, it is possible that the staffing team headquarters, which is responsible for the introduction and use, survivability of joints and units that are introduced into the fight in a given lane, must be determined on each section of the front. Centralization of responsibility on the front is required at each site. It is determined by the boundaries, but there should be the one who is responsible for the introduction into battle on the forefront.

The practice of separating individual battalions from the staff crew significantly reduces the combat capacity of the part, the brigade is most effectively used in full composition. 4. Preparation. The death of a soldier is a tragedy for society, an indispensable loss for the Ukrainian nation, and a hole for the state budget. 15 million hryvnias of compensation, social benefits for the family, millions that are already spent by the state and volunteers for preparation and maintenance.

This can be greatly prevented if you put it in preparation instead of paying for the death of the hero to remain alive. At the beginning of the war there was no time to prepare, but now it is an urgent need.

If the unit is pushed to the front without orientation skills, tactical medicine, practical shooting, engineering, masking, melee with armored vehicles, use of drones and optical intelligence devices, without action skills at night, organization of service on the forefront, survival, then its preparation is carried out. And we will spend much more on burial, not the destruction of the enemy.

The most interested in preparing replenishment of combat crews, which have personnel, should be entrusted with the training of soldiers and sergeants. It is advisable to create staffing units for initial and additional training. 5. Promotion of commanders and leadership. The war is physically made by the commanders of the departments, platoons, their mouths, weapons operators, and these positions do not need just people with service or education who can fill the staff by law.

The laws need to be improved. It requires primarily leaders who have "pumped" responsibility for the lives of subordinates and the ability to lead. You can teach anyone, but be a commander and a leader is a character that is hardened for a long time. The first stage of preparation should be the search and nomination of leaders at all levels, such leaders should first of all determine the training. 6. People have the limit of endurance. In any of us.

And it is not necessary to bring people to the limit of exhaustion right now - we have the opportunity to prepare enough capable troops to carry out rotation in a timely manner, to gradually introduce people into battle, maintain controllability, combat capacity. For a long war, the troops of the leading land need rest, rotation, replenishment with the command staff. Those who have reached the limit need reforming, they need strong commanders. People become more stable when they feel stability.

Thanks to the high combat qualities of the Armed Forces, we already have time to work with people more tight. 7. NATO's key operational procedure - After Action Review, that is, postoperative analysis, requires immediate use in the Armed Forces. It is this procedure for internal service evaluation that would quickly analyze the preconditions for successful operations, analyze successful tactics and management, which should be widespread.

And also requires an analysis of failure operations, significant losses that would be closed. Such an assessment will make changes quickly, and will avoid many sad collective videos and posts on social networks that do not benefit anyone. The enemy should be prevalent in tactics, in the organization, for this purpose it is necessary to treat themselves critically, to ahead the enemy in changes, to improve quality. All these items do not require any considerable additional funds.