
"Khozy Bear": In Georgia, the Russians broke the President's website - the media

According to journalists, hackers blocked the page of the Georgian head and wrote "Glory to Russia". According to the Western special services, they act under the auspices of the FSB. Russian hackers attacked the official website of the Georgia Presidential Administration Salome Zarubishvili. On Friday, January 26, reports "Echo of the Caucasus" with reference to the Georgian media.

According to journalists, the site is now blocked, before the entrance to the page the Russians posted images of the skull and the inscription: "Khozy Bear, the glory of Russia". In addition, the publication noted that Cozy Bear is a group of hackers from the Russian Federation. According to the Western special services, they act under the auspices of the FSB of Russia. The Hacker attack also suffered the site of the Opposition Georgian TV company "Formula".

The journalists added that the page was unavailable for several hours, after which the site was restored, but it is currently working with interruptions. In addition, on January 26, the hackers also attacked the site of the Mavari television company, some of the data was removed. Earlier, Google's experts have come to the conclusion that Russian hackers send encrypted files to manipulate victims and make them install a malicious program.