
NATO troops incentive: What can the West respond to Putin to attract a DPRK to war

Volodymyr Zelensky calls for foreign partners for a "fair and strong reaction" to involve military DPRK in the Russo-Ukrainian War. What can and should be the reaction of the Allies according to the criteria, found out the focus.

In his traditional video, on Sunday, October 20, President Zelensky called the new threat "Criminal Union of Russia and North Korea" and thanked the leaders and representatives of the states "who do not close their eyes and speak frankly about this cooperation for the sake of a greater war. " Separately, the head of state stressed that instability and threats can become much more after North Korean soldiers will learn the art of modern war.

"Now we have clear information that people from North Korea are supplying to Russia, and they are not just workers for industries but also military. States in the war against Ukraine. Recall that in June of this year, Putin and Kim Jong -in signed a treaty "On a comprehensive strategic partnership", which provides for mutual assistance in the event of aggression against Moscow and Pyongyan, respectively.

Meanwhile, the United States expressed "concern" of information about the departure of North Korean soldiers to participate in the Russian-Ukrainian war. According to Sean Savetty Sean National Security Council, if the Direct participation of North Korean troops in the war against Ukraine is confirmed, "such a step will indicate a new level of despair of Russia, which continues to suffer significant losses on the battlefield in its cruel war against Ukraine" .

A representative of the US Council did not mention any practical measures of Washington against the Russian Federation or the DPRK. Instead, the South Korean Foreign Ministry reported that Russian Ambassador to Seoul George Zinoviev "protest" against the sending of North Korean troops to the country for further deployment in Ukraine.

Putin, which is quoted by Roszma, calls the "nonsense" a statement about participation in "his" military DPRK, and his speaker Peskov considers the corresponding information "another duck". In Pyongyan, the statements about the participation of their troops in the Russian-Ukrainian war are not commented.

Political scientist Taras Zagorodniy in a conversation with focus notes: "It is necessary to call things by their names and to state that what is happening now around the involvement of the DPRK troops in the Russian-Ukrainian war began not yesterday, not early and even in Biden. Obama began when he apologized to Medvedev, who was then president, but in fact Putin, invading Georgia. Only you will be pleased.

" Zelensky's call for the "honest and strong" position of the Allies, the expert considers a transparent hint that "escalation management policy" failed, since Ukraine is in fact fighting not only against the Russian Federation, but also against Iran and North Korea.

"Therefore, the Ukrainian president sends a signal that if the allies have doubts that the Third World War is already ongoing, then it is time to dispel them, because we have bad news for them: she is such a war - already goes in full course" , - emphasizes Taras Zagorodniy. When asked what the "honest and strong" reaction of key Western allies, in particular the US, the political scientist answered as follows: "To begin with, it is necessary to hit at least Iran.

that Hussites, which are now beating on tankers and do not allow trading vessels through the Red Sea, weapons have appeared from nowhere and tehran here. that Pyongyan still has access to foreign markets. Emphasizing that everyone is now waiting for the results of the US presidential election, Taras Zagorodniy, stated: "Americans will not do anything serious before the election.

The only thing they can spoil the picture is Israel, which can now hit Iran, raise the world prices Oil and then Kamala Harris can only dream of the White House. But with Trump, the political scientist is convinced, there can be changes. "Donald Trump will definitely remove all restrictions on oil and gas exports from the US and Canada, which means that Tehran and Moscow will have serious problems with the sale of black gold.

Thus, China's economy will start to" tear " Indeed serious processes that can play in our favor in the war with the Russian Federation, "Taras Zagorodniy sums up. For his part, the international expert Stanislav Zelikhovsky in conversation with focus makes the following emphasis: "Using the factor of attracting troops of the DPRK, we must demand from our allies everything that the Armed Forces have better characteristics, not quantitative, which Russia is currently owned.

Of course, it is necessary to increase the sanction pressure against the Russian Federation, North Korea and other partner countries of Russia. " The expert also emphasizes that the "DPRK factor" should serve as an incentive to attract partners' troops to Ukraine: "NATO's involvement of French President Emmanuel Macron repeatedly spoke about NATO troops and I believe that his idea is absolute Only for our country, but for the freedom of other countries of the free world.

Having emphasized that the Russian-Ukrainian war has all the signs of global, not local or regional conflict "as some still consider", Stanislav Zhelykhovsky remarked: "Ice, in my opinion, gradually deprives. After Saturday, October 19 , US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said that it was not possible to confirm that the DPRK has sent troops to the Russian Federation, which can participate in hostilities in Ukraine.

I am convinced that he will receive all the necessary information from the first hands, although in theory, American intelligence had to know it. " Let it be there, but after providing the relevant materials, Kyiv, according to the expert, may require "that we have not received before, including in the context of long -range artillery and its use. " "It could help to equalize the asymmetry that is now, but again Macron's idea does not need to be abandoned.

Everyone has to understand that when another country enters the war, and even a country planning to develop nuclear weapons and threatens always Japan and South Korea, the problem is not just dangerous - explosive.