
"Not pleasing": the Czech Foreign Ministry called the consequences of "peace talks" with Russia

According to the head of the Czech diplomatic agency, Yana Lipavsky, Kyiv should make a decision on how the conflict will end, but it is necessary to be within the borders of 1991. The temporary truce will not bring a just and strong peace to the continent. Russia intends to continue terror in Ukraine, so the freezing of the conflict will not be able to bring the European continent to a stable peace. This was stated by the Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky, Deutsche Welle reports.

According to him, after 2 years of a full -scale war in NATO and the European Union there is no strategy on the Russian Federation. They need a discussion about what steps you need to take next. "General debates about our strategy on Russia do not lead to NATO or EU. I consider it a mistake. I believe that we have to conduct such a debate. During such a discussion, we need to discuss how war in Ukraine should end," - said Jan Lipavsky.

At the same time, in addition to the end of the war, it is also necessary to talk about the conditions on what conditions it will happen. There is a need to comply with the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity. Accordingly, the borders of Ukraine should return to the internationally recognized in 1991. The Czech Foreign Ministry also added that only Ukraine and its people will need to decide on what the future peace with Russia will be.

If the event made the decision on their own, the Ukrainians would feel betrayed, and hopes for a strong and just peace would evaporate. "The biggest mistake we, the event or leading forces could make, would be imposed or dictated to Ukraine by any decision without inviting it to participate in this process . . .

I am not happy when I hear about freezing conflict Because in Ukraine the conflict has been frozen since 2014, and the present war is simply a continuation of the frozen conflict that began in 2014. Prague reminded the world community about events in Crimea, Georgia, Transnistria and other countries where Russia intervened. The Kremlin propaganda is now aimed at aggression against the Baltic countries, Poland and even the Czech Republic.

"Therefore, we need to protect Europe, the EU, the Czech Republic, and the simple desire to freeze security will not bring. But I do not exclude any scenarios, of course, much can happen," - concluded Jan Lipavsky. We will remind, on March 22 it was reported that the adviser to the head of the office of the President Mikhail Podolyak answered the calls of surrender to the Russian Federation.