
The Russian Federation sent to Iran the Iskander Party and the HRO system: what is the purpose of deliveries - the media

According to Defense Express experts, in order for Iran to be able to strike Russian rockets, it is necessary to use Iran's "Iskander-K" with the p-500 ice rockets, whose range is approximately 1500 km. Against the backdrop of threat of stroke in response to Israel after the elimination of Hamas leader Ismail Hania in Tehran, reported that Russia was receiving additional weapons in Iran.

According to the Israeli News Service "Channel 14, it is about the operational missile complexes" Iskander "and complexes of electronic wrestling" Murmansk-BN ". The material stated that from the Russian Federation to Iran there were several flights of military transport aircraft IL-76, which were transported weapons.

On this occasion, the Defense Express observers said that neither the Iskander or Murmansk-BN complexes were in service with Iran, and their transfer was not discussed in the public space. This implies that Russia has probably transferred these complexes together with its own servicemen, otherwise without them the transfer of this weapon does not make sense, since Iranian experts would not have time to prepare.

"It is also possible that these complexes immediately unfolded, because tonight Iran released a warning for civilian aircraft about possible anomalies in GPS in its central and western areas," analysts write. Meanwhile, the supply of these Iran systems for Israel's attack has questions. If everything is clear with the LIT system, since the range of suppression of satellite navigation and communications is 5000 km, then with the complexes "Iskander" is not so unambiguous.

The fact is that the range of Iskander ballistic missiles is up to 500 km, while the attack on Israel requires missiles with a minimum range of about 1200 km. The only possible option could be the transmission of "Iskander-K" with winged R-500 missiles, which is approximately 1500 km. However, this option is doubtful, given the presence of Soumar's own cruise missiles in Iran, experts emphasize. "But maybe the issue of Iranian production missiles.