
"Is it a shame during the war to be a custom": what do Ukrainians think about it (poll)

Most of the hazards are condemned by people over 60, but young people preferably think that it is not a shame. Most Ukrainians want to return the borders of 1991 and at the same time a critical minority believes that during the war, it is ashamed to be ashamed. This is evidenced by the results of the survey conducted by the sociological service of the Razumkov Center at the request of the publication of ZN. ua.

Sociologists asked the Ukrainians a direct question: "Do you think, or today, during the war, to be a shy?" The results showed that 46% of Ukrainians believe that it is not a shame. 29% said they believe that it is ashamed to evade service in the army. 25% did not decide on the answer. The survey leader is the south. Here, 60% believe that it is not ashamed, in the West, 48% stated that they understand the evidence. Older people are most condemned.

Yes, 37% of the elderly (60+) believe that during the war to be ashamed. Instead, 50% of young people aged 18 to 29 believe that it is not ashamed. Their parents (people aged 50-59) were divided into thoughts by half. 52% of such respondents do not support service evasion. Thus, in the West, people who are surrounded by the majority are trying to evade service in all ways - 17% for the country's average figure 15%. The most open criminal cases under this article.

And in the south, 13% of those polled stated that almost everyone is a hazard in their environment, 9% at the country's average. "I was really surprised by the attitude of society to the evidence. My long -standing formula of the immoral majority works again: most are not ashamed. But 30% of Ukrainians are ashamed and about the same amount - a little more than 30%, according to our data, ready to defend Ukraine with weapons in their hands.