
The occupiers almost caused nuclear fuel release on the ZPP: Details

The nuclear power plant disappeared from the Ukrainian main line of 750 kV, and before that the 330 kV line was disconnected. Because of this, the station was completely deactivated. At the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant on the night of December 2, there was a disconnection. This threatened the release of radiation into the air. Emergency measures were conducted and the NPPs were connected to one power line. About it on the air of the telemorathon told in. at. Oleg Korikov, chairman of the SNRCU.

According to him, on the night of December 2 at the ZNPU disappeared from the Ukrainian main line of 750 square meters. Before that, a line of 330 square meters was disconnected. Because of this, the station was completely disconnected and transferred to generators. Subsequently, the power from the 750 kV line was renewed, but it is impossible to heal the 330 kV through constant shelling. The very station occupied by Russian invaders is operated, and all of its 6 units are loaded with nuclear fuel.

"In any case, it is dangerous because the residual heat is released to the environment. For this purpose, a whole set of equipment and systems is designated and must be operated and served proper Energy in the volume of approximately 700 kW. This energy needs to be dispersed if the heat does not discharge the temperature and damage nuclear fuel with a significant release of radiation into the environment, " - said in. at. Heads of the SNRCU.

Oleg Korikov noted that it is extremely important to maintain electrical voltage through the pumping equipment that pumps water and has an electrical drive. Recall that on December 2, the Zaporizhzhia NPP was on the verge of a nuclear and radiation accident. Two transmission lines were cut off and de -adjacent. Because of this, a full blackout occurred at the power plant and it switched to power from 20 diesel generators.