
Olenovka terrorist attack: all evidence points to the Russian Federation as the culprit - AP

According to Taras Semkiv, a representative of the Prosecutor General's Office, the Ukrainian investigation is ongoing. Now the task is to identify the weapons used by the Russians. The circle has already been narrowed up to three options. Investigators, families of dead during a terrorist attack in Olenivka, as well as a few survivors believe that all evidence testifies to Russia's blame in the event. About it writes the publication Associated Press.

According to journalists, of 193 Ukrainians who were in the barracks in Olenivka then returned home to less than two dozen. More than 50 people were killed on the night of July 29, 2022. The material states that on the morning of July 27, 2022, Russian guards surrounded a group of prisoners and took them to the industrial part of the colony, away from five other barracks for prisoners of war.

They were taken to a building with a roof of a sheet, with 100 beds, without mattresses and a dug dusted pit. In addition, as noted, the guards dug their trenches that day. The next day, they postponed the security post and put on the bulletproof vests and helmets, which they did not do before. On the night of July 29, the explosion struck, the fire covered the building.

One of the witnesses recalled that the guards stood there and laughed, throwing rags and flashlights at panicing prisoners of war. According to those who survived, they were isolated from other prisoners of war the next day. The UN internal analysis showed that the administration did not want to give those who survived to tell others the prisoners of what had happened.

The UN Secretary General stated that he would conduct his own investigation, but negotiations on access to the object were long and eventually unsuccessful. The mission was disbanded on January 5, 2023 and never visited Ukraine. A separate mission to monitor human rights in Ukraine, which has been based in the country since the first invasion of Russia in Ukraine in 2014, was not expected.

The team of colds of 16 survivors were shown to the hospital, shown on Russian television, studied public photographs from the scene and analyzed 20 applications of Russian officials who visited prison. Experts concluded that Russia planned a mass murder. In addition, according to the representative of the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine Taras Semkiv, the Ukrainian investigation is ongoing. Now the task is to identify the weapon used.

Semkiv said that it was possible to narrow the circle to three types of weapons: Semkiv said that no international investigator had asked information from the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine, including a disbanded UN mission. The initial optimism about the mission has just become clear that they will not investigate at all if there is no access to prison. We will remind, in October 2023 the United Nations denied the statement of Russia about "strike" in a colony in Olenivka.