
In the building destroyed by the aggressor. Coralley band leader and Mishko Adamchak played the famous melody of Skoryk on the nozzle

Ukrainian musician Mishko Adamchak, who defends Ukraine in the Armed Forces, greeted Ukrainians on the Day of Independence Recovery. Mishko Adamchak, the leader of the Coral, from the first days of a full -scale Russian invasion, protects Ukraine with weapons in his hands. On Independence Day, he shared a touching video on his social networks.

The musician played on the nozzle the legendary melody of the Ukrainian composer Miroslav Skoryk, putting aside aside, in the Ukrainian building destroyed by Russian invaders. Video of the Day "We are strong, free and unbreakable! And we still have many value and easy to choose from inflammatory to lyrical. Happy Independence Recovery Day, friends! Melody is the legendary Miroslav Skoryk, ”he signed a video.