
"Sky became pure": Ignat told about the efficiency of destruction of Aviation PCS of the Russian Federation (video)

According to the speaker of the Air Force, after the enemy saw productive work in the sky of Ukrainians, he made some conclusions. For the first time after the destruction of the PCS fighters, it was calm, but the threat remains. In recent weeks, Russian invaders have begun to lose much more of their planes. This is due to the actions of Ukrainian defenders in the sky. Air Force spokesman Yuri Ignat on the air of a telecommunication told about positive changes in the situation.

According to him, after a large number of aircraft destroyed in Moscow began to draw conclusions and in the last few days the activity of the enemy's aviation was reduced, through which he used managed aircraft. At the same time, it is early to rejoice, because the strokes continue, but not with such intensity. "The situation is changing.

After the operation of the anti -aircraft -managed missiles on Russian aircraft, which the Commander of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces announced, the sky became clean," Yuri Ignat said. After the enemy saw the work of the Air Force, there were no air purposes by night. They disappeared from the Ukrainian airspace. At the same time, such a phenomenon is irrelevant. The next night after the loss of the aircraft, Russian aviation again began to show activity and struck.

For Sunday, several dozen aviations were recorded, which were dropped in different directions. "Well, now we see in the morning (March 4, ed. ) Several shock groups of Su-34 and Su-35, which can be prepared for strikes in the eastern and north directions," Yuri Ignat continued. Separately, the Air Force spokesman spoke in relation to another hostile aircraft, which was eliminated in the sky. It is about DRLV A-50, which is not much in the enemy.

After the second copy was destroyed, others were no longer recorded in the sky. "A day seven, if I'm not mistaken, it does not appear in the Rostov region or in the Azov Sea. They need planes very much to plan strokes, to carry out radar exploration of the airspace of our country, " - summed up Yuri Ignat. We will remind, on March 4 the head of the Press Center OK "South" Natalia Humeniuk told how to reduce the number of enemy beats of the booth.