
"Situation is extremely critical": Fighter of the 72nd OMBR told focus about the problems of the Armed Forces in Village

In the coal there is a very difficult situation - the enemy presses, and the Ukrainian group has great losses, the command does not allow permission for departure. A fighter from the 72nd OMB told this focus. The focus was approached by a fighter from the 72nd OMB, which now defends the coal of the Donetsk region, and told about the critical situation in the city.

"The situation in the city is extremely critical, the command of the permit does not give, the brigade has very high losses, which caused the untimely response of higher commanders," the military of the Armed Forces said. According to him, the entrances to the coal and evacuation are blocked, while the only walking way is under the fire control of the Russian military. The serviceman stressed that there are many injured in the city, the evacuation of "medium" is impossible.

Also, the fighter is not sure that the wounded will be able to get out of the coal. On the morning of September 30, Ukrainian military Stanislav Bunyatov with the Osman's call sign noted that the situation in the coal is difficult. He quoted the words of one of the fighter of the 72nd Ombre, who has a good situation. The fighter said that now the enemy is storming on three sides - Water, Prechistivka and Pavlovka. The Russians climbed to the south and west of the city, there are heavy battles.

The enemy shoots well from mortars and artillery hiking, also uses many drones - FPV, scouts with discounts. "Command promises rotation for a week, but constantly drawn through external changes and saying. There is no evacuation at all, since BMPs do not even have time to get to the coal, they work on them immediately. A lot of heavy 300, which are unrealistic to take on foot 200 lie just roads, "-said the military from the 72nd OSHBR. According to him, food, BC and fuel end.

In his opinion, the only option is to leave the position systematically and gradually go out with the fights at least to those who can do it. On September 29, DeepState analysts reported that the Russian military was being promoted to the eastern part of the coal in the Donbass by the dacha, the enemy tries to gain a foothold in the high -rise buildings on the outskirts of the city, there was already an infantry. In addition, the enemy presses from the right flank.

Analysts emphasized that the Russians have taken the fire control of the Epiphany, and attempts to promote from Water. On September 24, the co -founder of the Deepstate project Roman Pogorely reported in a conversation with the focus that the Russians want to take the coal in the environment. He noted that there was little prospects for a good scenario. He believes that the environment is possible if nothing changes, and the Ukrainian group will remain only to keep the ruins.

To improve the situation, you need to remove the forces from the possible environment to new borders, regroup and continue to keep defense. About possible further scenarios for the development of events in Villagledar, read in the material of the focus "Russians entered the coal: whether the occupiers can break through the front and what will happen to the city.

" We will remind, on September 28 Military blogger Bogdan Miroshnikov stated that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation actually surrounded the coal in Donetsk region. According to him, the situation is critical, the enemy moved on the flanks. On September 25, Ukrainian serviceman Stanislav Bunyatov with the call sign "Osman" told focus that despite the difficult situation in the carbon, the forces of defense would not fall into the boiler.