
The new peace plan is in February. What Putin and Erdogan will be negotiated in Istanbul

Putin was going to visit Erdogan - and it is already known that one of the main ones will become Ukrainian topics. Journalist Orest Sohar assumes that these two will invent another peace plan that can be sold to the event. Putin gathered to Erdogan: it seems that the couple is carrying a new version of "Istanbul Agreements".

The Turkish president occurs from time to time, and is not surprising for his Russian counterpart, which is not surprising: tens of billions of dollars earning his country in the war of Muscovy against Ukraine, require unnatural flexibility. The bunker visit to Istanbul is expected in February, and "Ukrainian topics will be one of the main negotiation items.

" Turkey will become another of the global South countries, which will catch European politicians for the pants and demand a "peace plan" in Ukraine. In December, Putin was specifically flying to Saudi Arabia and Emirates to teach local politicians, Mantry so -called. "Peaceful negotiations. " Since then, all possible international sites have been preaching the return of peace to Ukraine on the basis of Moscow. Now the bunker is going to Istanbul.

This is a cunning plan, as Turkey, like the UAE with a pair with Saudi, is a manager from the United States on the "reconciliation" of "Israeli crisis". They all represent the Muslim world, which stood in defense of the "rights and freedoms" of the Palestinian people. And the only way to restore peace on these lands is to force Israel to abandon the territories he is used to his own. The Kremlin's formula is to "attach" to the Israeli peace and Ukrainian, retaining logic.

The "business" approach should like the erdogan. Turkey's economy is a good parasite on the consequences of the war in Ukraine. The companies there have processed Ukrainian and Russian grain, sending flour to African countries with a large mark -up. The Turks with their oriental pervasiveness helped the orcs bypass technological and energy western sanctions and, to be honest, they still do not neglect it.

The Dertiol terminal, located in the Turkish province of Hati, received a new life since July 2022, when the first Western restrictions on Russian trade were launched. In fact, it "seals" labels on Russian oil, which from Dortyola, bypassing sanctions, is diverging around the world. The scandal even reached the American Capitol, where senators "expressed concern" that "masked Russian oil" from Dortiol, processed into fuel in Greece, got into US warships.

Since then, as the EU and G7 have imposed restrictions on trade in Russian oil, Turkey has become a key center for "conversion" of sub -oil and petroleum products to "European": Istanbul - the third largest recipient of Russian raw materials, after India and China, and the largest consumer of Russian oil products, - - Financial Times.

The Turkish case is very well illustrated by the current Putin's position: the Kremlin has no friends, some accomplices earn a Fuhrer's ambitions, others, like African countries, simply suck his money from him. This knowledge will not help us much in the current situation, but we need to know: the price of war for the Fuhrer is much higher than it seems at first glance. The author expresses a personal opinion that may not coincide with the editorial position.