
"Number One problem": what threat is Russian cabins and how the Armed Forces can resist them

Russia has been actively applying to fugas corrected aircraft for more than a year, which have become a real test for the Defense Forces of Ukraine. Despite the deadly type of weapons, military experts believe that Ukrainian forces can resist Kabam. Russian occupation troops have been actively using corrected aviation bombs (CA) in hostilities in Ukraine since 2023.

In the arsenal of air-space forces of the Russian Federation there are light planning bombs for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), such as CAC-20C, and heavy airbags with a weighing up to 3000 kg with tremendous destructive force. In this regard, the focus found out what threat this type of weapons carries and which, according to experts, there are means of counteracting the enemy with the use of the enemy.

Today, Russian PCSs use three types of powerful aviation bombs: the first type is bombs specifically designed for managed action. It includes such samples as, UPAB-500V and UPAB-1500V. The second type is the converted fugas general-purpose airbags of the FAB-2550, FAB-500 and Fab-1500 with installed flight control modules or UMPC. The third type is the "classic" fugas air bombs, designed to defeat ground targets.

In turn, the Russian Cabas exist in three basic modifications: these aircraft, which are presented in weight categories up to 3000 kg, are used to destroy objects of various purposes: industrial buildings, ammunition depots, concrete fortifications and armored vehicles. Light modifications, such as CAB-20C, are used for unmanned shock systems.

For example, at the end of March this year, it became known that the Russians use shock-scoops "Outpost" on the Ukrainian Front, equipped with two controlled Bombs of the CAC-20C, which were thrown into the positions of defense forces. Aviation bombs, including in Russia, have gone a significant way of development from free -falling ammunition to high -precision managed systems.

Even before the beginning of World War II, when the main ammunition for aviation were free bombs, there was a need for accurate ammunition. This has led to the development of managed bombs that can adjust their trajectory in flight. One of the first projects in the USSR after the war was the controlled bomb "Crabs", the development of which began on the basis of the analysis of the German bomb FX-1400 Fritz-X.

The main feature of the "crab" was the thermal head of self -introduction, which allowed the bomb to be given to the targets that secrete infrared radiation. However, the tests showed that the guidance system was imperfect - the bomb coped well with attacks on industrial objects with a bright thermal "appearance", but lost its efficiency against less noticeable goals.

As a result, the project was closed in 1956 because of the low efficiency at the high speeds and heights of new generation bombers. After the crab, bombs of "Seagull" weighing 2000 kg and "Codor" weighing 5000 kg were developed, which used a simpler radio command system. But these projects were closed in 1956. Already in the 1970s, the development of managed bombs of the new generation-the family of the room-began.

These bombs used laser guidance systems, which significantly increased the accuracy of the impact. Bombs CAB-500 and CAB-1500, equipped with a semi-active laser guide, were intended for use on front bombers. And in the 1980s, advanced models with television and correlation systems, such as the CAB-500RKR, which allowed the bomb to be given to the target after dropping, ensuring high accuracy of hit.

The active use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation at the Theater of Miting in Ukraine began in 2023. Initially, the enemy used lighter FAB-2550 and Fab-500 aircraft with planning and correction modules, and intended to move to a larger caliber-Fab-1500.

However, Russian designers were faced with the difficulties of installing the UMPC - they did not simply move the modules to "one and a half", so the technology had to be refined, or more precisely, from scratch to create a new glider and appropriate mechanisms. As a result, last September, the enemy began to actively use the FAB-1500 m54 ammunition with a weight of 700 kg, installing them on the front bombers of the Su-34, which became a significant problem for the Ukrainian army.

The fact is that such ammunition is capable of punching 3 meters of concrete fortifications and 20 meters of land. At the same time, the deviation from the target is only up to 10 meters, which, in principle, is not so important taking into account the capacity of the ammunition - at 35 meters of the lesion area, it leaves a bone over 10 meters deep, and contusion can be obtained within a radius of more than 100 meters.

Thus, in an interview with Focus, the information resistance of the Information Resistance Group said that this type of weapons is quite primitive, and in this regard, the cabos can be made and used by the enemy in large numbers. This, for its part, enables the occupiers to slow down the counter -offensive of the Armed Forces and act effectively on certain areas of the front.

It should be added that in fact, fugas aircraft were developed in Soviet times, so in Russia there are probably their significant reserves. And the modernization and installation of control modules does not require large time and resource costs - the tail part of the bomb simply changes to the UMPC with the steering surfaces.

In general, the Aviation of the Russian Federation has a fairly large arsenal of cabin, it is known about the use of such ammunition on the Ukrainian front: later hostile aviation was armed with a bomb Fab-3000 M-54 with a universal module of planning and correction and a mass of combat part of 1200 kg. Its first application was recorded in June 2024, when the enemy struck a bomb on the settlement of Lipka, Kharkiv region.

Forbes notes that the use of powerful bombs, such as Fab-3000, can be superfluous for tasks on the front line, where small bombs, such as Fab-500 with UMPCs, are capable of providing sufficient devastating power. Heavy ammunition is more effective to apply against strategic objects such as bridges, large fortifications or deep bins. In this case, the mass use of such aviation requires considerable resources and may be irrational in the conditions of dynamic conflict. "In fact, the use of 3.

3-ton ammunition is a risky redundancy, given how devastating the smaller planning bombs are already devastating," the newspaper writes. Such conclusions can be argued, because during the Second World War, British aviation used tallboy bombs, weighing more than 5 tons, as well as 10-ton Grand Slam to strike for industrial and military objects of Germany, weighing more than 5 tons, as well .

Experts believe that despite the high capacity and devastating power of FAB-3000 airbombs, their use will remain rare. The main focus is likely to be on less heavy ammunition, such as Fab-500 and Fab-1500, equipped with UMPC modules, which have optimal characteristics for point strokes on the positions of defense forces. Meanwhile, large -scale use of even one and a half ton of cabin has a very negative impact on the course of hostilities, as evidenced by both Ukrainian military and experts.

In particular, recently in the Pokrovsky direction, where the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is trying to break the defense of Ukrainian defenders, cases of use of such aviations have increased. Kovalenko also told about the threats of this weapon.

"Fab-3000 m54 can have a very negative impact on the LBZ (a line of combat collision), significantly accelerating the revelation and breaking of our lines of defense and fortifications, if the decision to counteract is not made, including our partners, as quickly as possible," the analyst said. Radio technologies expert Sergey Beskrestnov also explained why Russian cabins are the problem "number one" on all fronts for the Ukrainian infantry.

According to him, the enemy managed to upgrade ready -made airbombles, increasing the flight range. And its use in the open field does not give any chances to the soldiers to gain a position. "We are losing positions only through the cab. This is the number one problem on all fronts for all our infantry. A clean field with trenches on which a bomb weighing 500 kg, simply burns from Kaba. Our boys cannot cling to this land (as a result of impact) ", - he emphasized.

The commander of the engineering support of the 3rd Separate assault brigade Sergey Tyshchenko said in April that a well-organized defense and effective distribution of forces can significantly reduce losses from Russian bombardment using booths. Moreover, the military does not especially hope for the aviation means of defeat and the air defense system, which some experts have repeatedly spoken.

According to him, the construction of more strongholds and protective structures, as well as their dispersion on defensive limits can complicate the influencing of point blows on key objects. And the increase in the number of such positions in one section of the front complicates the task of Russian pilots: the enemy simply will not have enough bombs to destroy all structures. Creating false fortifications and positions that mislead the enemy are also a tool for minimizing the effects of blows.

This forces the enemy to spend resources on ineffective blows for false purposes, reducing the number of damage to critically important objects. "If, for example, in the lane of the battalion defense on a segment of a kilometer there are only two mouthpoints, then to throw them with cabins is not a problem.

And if on this kilometer to dig a position, scatter these positions away from each other, make competent planning of these positions, So the enemy will not have so many cabin to destroy our infantry or our defensive positions on this area of ​​the front. ", - Tyshchenko emphasized.

Meanwhile, according to Kovalenko, the main task of Ukraine in the fight against Russian managed aircraft is not to neutralize the ammunition themselves, but to destroy their carriers-tactical aviation, especially Su-34. The analyst identifies three main types of weapons that could significantly increase the efficiency of counteraction to Russian air strikes.

If you return to the topic of use of fighters as an event against aviation strikes, it should be noted that Ukraine has already received modern Western F-16 fighters, which can be knocked down by Russian bombers during a trajectory of launching managed airbots. However, the information that the F-16 is knocking down the enemy in the air, thereby preventing bombing, has not received.