
Who hit Konstantinovka? Three reasons why this rocket cannot be Ukrainian "beech"

The rocket that struck the market in Konstantinovka cannot be Ukrainian "beech", says journalist Denis Popovich. He calls the three simplest reasons why it is impossible and why publication about it in the American press is custom. As for the NYT investigation that a blow to Konstantinovka was made from the Ukrainian Buk SC. According to journalists, a rocket that "got out of the course" fell into the city. I emphasize again: I studied this complex. I saw these missiles before my eyes.

I argue that it is almost impossible for those "beeches" that are armed with the Armed Forces. The 9M38 (M1) missile (M1) is working on a semi -active guidance system. The radar is irradiated by the air target, after which the SPR crew takes this target for accompaniment and makes a decision to launch the rocket.

After starting, the signal displayed from the air whole falls directly on the receiver of the rocket itself, which thus pursues the target and ensures its destruction by blasting the combat part, which is filled with the affected elements. It is not so important that holes found "investigators" at the scene and from what direction the rocket was approaching.

It could not be the "beech" for the following reasons: finally, the question arises, and where was the air target that released that hypothetical rocket from Beech ?? If there is no air target, there is no launch. Until the operator took something to the escort - the rocket simply will not get off the guides. Point. I am not a military expert, but I can be considered a media expert, because I have been working in this area for 28 years.