
Russian Air Force received a modernized Dlo A-50U aircraft: which made improvements

The chief designer of the Vega concern Vyacheslav Mikheev has admitted that the Russian military is in dire need of such aircraft, taking into account the fighting in Ukraine. After all, they will allegedly allow the Armed Forces to track and "effectively counteract them" promptly. Rostelronics Holding and Joint Air Buddy Corporation (UAC) transferred the Air Force A-50U aircraft, which has undergone a comprehensive modernization, which greatly expands its capabilities.

Compared to the predecessor, this modification has the ability to identify and identify new types of aircraft and at the same time accompany more goals, including enemy fighters. This was reported on September 22 by Defense Mirror. The authors of the publication reminded that in July this year, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu declared "timely modernization" of the park of aviation complexes, which would "significantly increase the efficiency of troops in solving the tasks facing them.

" Rostekh corporation stated that during the modernization of the DRLV aircraft received a new technical equipment, which significantly increases its speed and range of detection of air, terrestrial and marine goals - this makes it possible to increase the efficiency of counteracting potential threats. The installed new equipment also made it possible to reduce the weight of the machine, increase the flight range, as well as the duration of tasks.

A-50U is equipped with new electronics with improved characteristics and speed, so the functionality of its software has been expanded. In addition, the use of larger and high resolution of liquid crystal -crystalline monitors made it possible to significantly increase the efficiency of the radar display system, improve the overall ergonomics of the aircraft and reduce the fatigue of the crew. In addition, A-50U is equipped with a modern navigation complex.

The general designer of the Vega concern, which is part of the Roselectronics Holding, Vyacheslav Mikheev stated that the next A-50 Aviation Complex will be brought to the modification of the A-50U in the near future, since there is a high need for Russian troops in this type of aviation. In particular, he noted that the use of these aircraft in hostilities in Ukraine will promptly track the Air Force Air Objects and "effectively counteract them".