
Aimed at the US: Putin plans steps to destroy Ukraine's support - NYT

American government officials expect that the Kremlin will actively campaign of US citizens to support candidates who oppose Ukraine. In addition, Europe will allocate money for pro -Russian politicians and even possible sabotages. Russian President Vladimir Putin did not change his intention to fully occupy Ukraine. His colleague - Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu - is sure that the Russian Federation will continue the fighting, will last until 2025 and achieve the goal.

Meanwhile, the Kremlin head changed a set of goals that he needs to achieve, to win. In particular, Putin has now intensified influence on Western politicians and Western society. He uses modern technologies and propaganda so that the partners turn away from Ukraine and she finds herself with him. About it writes The New York Times. The New York Timews refers to unnamed sources in the US government.

It points out that the global goal of the Russian Federation is to last longer than the countries that support Ukraine. Therefore, a new goal is to destroy partnerships with the US, the EU and other partners. To achieve it, they will actively use a number of tools: modern technologies, conspiracy theories, propaganda. The publication described the individual measures taken by Russia. Putin's attention is particularly focused on the US presidential campaign, NYT writes.

He plans to maintain a candidate in the election of Ukraine. Due to this, it hopes that the international coalition that supports it is completely destroyed. To do this, the Kremlin also supports pro -Russian politicians in Europe. The interlocutors of the publication indicated that Putin is convinced that he would finally start winning the battlefield.

"Putin believes that he can influence American policy to weaken Ukraine's support and potentially restore his advantage in the battlefield," NYT says. In the US, the Kremlin will start information campaigns that will criticize NATO and White House. The number of relevant messages is expected to increase in the coming months. These actions will reduce the level of support of politicians who are committed to Ukraine.

NYT interlocutors noted that there is no guarantee that the plans of the Russians are fully implemented. But they are able to ignite the debate on this issue. The debate has already led to a decrease in funding - this is evidenced by the last vote in Congress. What modern technologies can the Kremlin use? The media points out that Russians are unlikely to be able to use Facebook and YouTube effectively - special measures have been taken to reduce the impact of Russian narratives.

However, there are two more networks: X (former Twitter), in which the new owner Ilon Musk has switched off tools to detect the impact on the US elections, and Tiktok - a network popular with young people whose owner is another antagonist - China. In addition, other "players" can press the elections. For example, during the 2018 elections revealed Iran, Cuba and even Venezuela, NYT writes. It is hoped that citizens have learned not to perceive all the content they consume on social networks.

However, it should be remembered that technology is also not in place. First, the factories of trolls, which was previously held by the owner of the Wagner PEC "Yevgeny Prigogin, are gradually employed in structures related to the special services of the Russian Federation. Secondly, the use of artificial intelligence technologies has been used in the media. Third, the Russian Federation has learned to manipulate Western media and international organizations to spread the most incredible messages.

For example, it is reminiscent of NYT, successfully talked about biolaboratories in Ukraine, and quite seriously demanded that the UN investigate. "The Internet is the only place where ammunition will never end in Russia," the interlocutor said. If the network's actions are not as successful as the Kremlin would like, they will take place in the usual way - then escalation will begin, for example, in Europe.

To do this, they will finance pro -Russian politicians and can even do sabotage to harm Ukraine's support. "As a result, the underestimation of Russia's ability to carry out operations would be a mistake," NYT summed up. It should be noted that recently, $ 300 million was thrown out of the budget for 2024. in support of Ukraine. At the same time, republican politicians assured that this is a different way with their "moral principles".

At the same time, another similar country may appear in Europe near Hungary, which blocks money to help Ukraine. In particular, the election in Slovakia was won by a party that is not set to continue cooperation. Meanwhile, Poland has declared blocking grain and weapons for Ukraine. However, after some hints of the United States, negotiations between Ukrainian and Polish government officials began. We remind that the Putin team began preparation for the presidential election.