
Kim Jong -in assured Putin of victory over Ukraine

Against the backdrop of the seizure of Russian territories, the North Korean leader sent a telegram to the North Korean leader. Russia is allegedly overcome in the "Holy War for Peace and Justice", which it leads in Ukraine. According to the State Information Agency of North Korea (CTK), the DPRK leader Kim Jong -in said.

"The stable Russian people under the energetic leadership of Comrade Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin will strongly protect the sovereign rights and interests of the state's security, will inevitably win in the Holy War for the achievement of peace in the region and international justice," the Telegram of the President of the Russian Federation Volodymyr Putin reads.

Kim Jong-in also stressed that "brotherhood and warm feelings between the armies and peoples of the two countries, tied and fortified in the course of a bloody fight against a common enemy, today serve as a powerful driving force that allows to develop traditional Korean-Russian relations of friendship and cooperation As a comprehensive strategic partnership, an indomitable relationship between associates, which stimulates the construction of strong states in two countries and the creation of a multipolar new world.

" It should be noted that the telegram of the head of the North Korea was sent to the head of the Kremlin against the background of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the Kursk region of the Russian Federation, where a week of fighting was established control over dozens of settlements on more than 1000 square meters. km of the territory. Recall that Russian propaganda gradually begins to prepare citizens for loss of territories. Separate speakers on central television are already openly stated.