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Elena Karaeva has a French passport and a few years ago she praised France and s...

RIA Novosti propaganda stated that the EU wants to destroy the Russian Federation and then sent her son to Spain

Elena Karaeva has a French passport and a few years ago she praised France and scolded Russia. Now its rhetoric has changed sharply. RIA Novosti RIA published a column of her observer Elena Karayeva about the operation of the Armed Forces in the Kursk region. It is said that the "Euro -Atlantists" task "to rob and destroy" Russia. But Karaeva, who has lived in France for 20 years, has a passport of this country, and she sent her son to vacation to Spain.

About it writes the Telegram-channel "We can explain". Before working on the Russian propaganda edition of Karaev, she lived in France for 20 years. There she worked on the Euronews TV, which was blocked in the Russian Federation in 2022, and its frequencies were given "Solovyov Live". She also wrote materials for other media, which are now recognized as "unwanted organizations", such as Radio Liberty. Living in France, Karaev actively praised this country and a European lifestyle.

"Almost everything" made in France " - from cinema to food, from literature to museums, from architecture to art and, however, wonderful," she said in an interview and scolded Russia: As much as on the Great Nikitskaya, the French would have mentioned Madame Guiltyine. " Also in an interview she praised medical care and said that in France "saved" her son, who was sick of meningitis.

"They all turned out so quickly, so quickly, so easy, with jokes and smiles that I was surprised - it was very different from the tense atmosphere of medical business in Russia," Karaeva said. But in 2021, Euronews reduced its staff and Karaev was released. After that, she sharply changed the style of her columns and settled in the propaganda "RIA Novosti". Now almost every column is devoted to criticism of Europe, France and European values.

"Why is we interested in what is happening in Strasbourg today (there is just a European Parliament headquarters)? It was these people who stood and stand for the murder of the Russians, "Karaeva writes. But despite the rhetoric, Karaev sent her son to rest in Europe. Son's vacations in Spain (where single -sex marriages are allowed) is devoted to her July publication on social networks. "Baby in the center. In the photo. And the body is in Barcelona. Mother's duty is fulfilled!" - Karaev wrote.