
Iran warned the Russian Federation against the adoption of Azerbaijan's side in a border dispute - The Guardian

Iran opposes the creation of the Zanhezur corridor. Journalists do not rule out that the dispute between Tehran and Moscow can have broader geopolitical consequences. Iran's new reform government warned Russia from the adoption of Azerbaijan's side in a border dispute after Moscow has supported Baku in calling for the creation of a land corridor along the Armenian-Iranian border, which, according to Tehran, may restrict its access to Europe and the world.

About it writes the British edition of The Guardian. The scandal was provoked by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who stated during the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin in Baku that Moscow supports the corridor and that Armenia sabotages the agreement reached through Russia. "Regional peace, safety and stability are not just an advantage, but a pillar of our national security.

Any threat from the north, south, east or west of the territorial integrity of our neighbors or borders are absolutely unacceptable and is a red line for Iran," he wrote, "he wrote On the social network X Foreign Minister Iran Said Abbas Aragchi. The journalists of the publication note that Arahchi's statements were a clear hint of Moscow's decision to support Azerbaijan's call to open the corridor "East-West" through Armenia to the Nakhichevan region.

Currently, Tehran has a debate about the expediency of keeping close contacts with Moscow, and the tone of Aragchi's Twita about the "Red Line" suggests that he wants to show that his call for a more balanced east-west policy-a key part Under itself the basis.

For his part, the former commander of the Corps of Guards of the Islamic Revolution and the secretary of the Council of expediency, which resolves the issue between the parliament and the council of guards, Mohsen Rapai said that the behavior of the Russian statesman was unacceptable and clearly contrary to his statement about friendship with Iran, and that these ambiguities should be resolved .

A supporter of a rigid line in the Akhmad Parliament said that the lack of adequate response to the Russians in cases of previous actions against the national interests of Iran forced them to be doubly arrogant. He believes that Moscow should be aware that strategic cooperation does not mean the rejection of the interests of the state.

Journalists do not rule out that the dispute between Tehran and Moscow can have broader geopolitical consequences if Iran's government is ready to take a more rigid position in relations with Russia. Russia and Iran have to sign a new strategic cooperation agreement, but its content remains open for discussion, and within the Iranian government there is a tension in the diplomatic price of deepening a military union with Russia, which has already used Iranian drones against Ukraine.

Earlier, Iran had already summoned the Russian ambassador Alexei Dedov to express his dissatisfaction with the position of the Russian Federation, saying that he did not want to have a conflict on his borders for Moscow's promotion.

The Iranian regime has historically opposed the efforts of Azerbaijan and Turkey to create the so -called Zanhezur corridor between Azerbaijan and the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic, since such a corridor passing through the most southern province of Armenia could block Iran's access to Armenia, and then. Azerbaijan has repeatedly threatened, if necessary, to create a corridor by force, which, as expected, would probably provoke a new war with Armenia.

Azerbaijan's military budget is more than three times exceeding the Armenian budget, and Baku showed its military advantage in September 2023, returning the occupied territories in Nagorny Karabas for 24 hours. At the same time, The Guardian writes, the EU has been made clear that relations between the European Union and Iran are unlikely to improve if the latter continues to supply drones and other weapons to Russia for blows in Ukraine.