
"Worked in the Russian Federation": experts named the organizers of border blocking with Poland

Ukrainian business is undergoing great losses due to border blocking with Poland, and the participation of Ukrainian companies at international exhibitions is at risk. Carriers of only one Polish Association strike at the border of Ukraine and Poland, and the protesters themselves are drivers who previously worked in the Russian and Belarusian markets. The details were reported in the press service of the Federation of Employers of Ukraine.

The report noted that only one of the four Polish carriers of carriers participated in the strike. Their actions have not supported other associations, and the Polish government has twice asked to stop the action. The Ukrainian government did not receive official appeals from the strikers. The association has added that the border blocking by Polish carriers affects not only the export of manufactured products. The future contracts of 2024 were threatened.

It is in November and December that contracts for next year are concluded. The situation affects the state budget filling next year. The participation of Ukrainian companies at international exhibitions is also questionable. It is one of the important components of successful sales of our own products in the world markets. Companies that restored completely destroyed production were in the most threatening situation.

On November 6, Polish carriers were blocked for passage of freight transport three checkpoints "Korchova-Krakivtsi", "Dorogosk-Yagodin" and "Grebenne-Rava-Ruska". They plan to pass one truck for an hour. The blockade action is scheduled for January 3. At the end of October, Ukraine initiated a meeting with Poland and the EU on the threat of border overlapping. The Cabinet stressed that blocking and strikes do not allow stable economic cooperation to both Ukrainian and Polish carriers.