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At the meeting of foreign ministers, G7 in Tokyo, on November 8, the issue of sa...

Until it compensates for the losses to Ukraine: G7 refused to thaw the assets of the Russian Federation

At the meeting of foreign ministers, G7 in Tokyo, on November 8, the issue of sanctions against the Russian Federation and security agreements was raised. The Greater Seven countries have signed a statement by the heads of foreign ministries that their countries will not thaw Russian assets until Russia is compensated for all losses to Ukraine and will attract the private sector of their countries in the Ukrainian economy.

This is stated in a document that the G7 foreign ministers were signed at a meeting in Tokyo on November 8. "We confirm that according to our relevant legal systems, sovereign assets of Russia in our jurisdictions will remain immovable until Russia will pay for the damage it has caused Ukraine. We confirm our commitment to holding the perpetrators responsible efforts of international mechanisms, such as the International Criminal Court, " - stated in the document.

The heads of foreign policy agencies emphasized that Russia should bear legal responsibility for all the international unlawful actions that it committed, including including compensation for the losses caused to Ukraine. In addition, the ministers have confirmed that they are obliged to maintain Ukraine's long -term restoration. "We are also working on attracting our private sector in the sustainable economic restoration of Ukraine," they said in their statement.

At the meeting, the issue of sanctions against the Russian Federation and security agreements was raised. "We will strengthen our coordination of sanctions in order to limit Russia access to critical goods and technologies. We will take further measures to prevent evasion of our sanctions against the Russian Federation. We repeat our call to third parties immediately stop providing financial support to Russia," in a statement signed by the participants of the meeting.

At the same time, G7 foreign policy agencies promised to accelerate consultations on energy, metals and all non -technical diamonds, including those that produce, process, or produce or produce in Russia, in order to reduce the income that the Russian Federation receives from their own exports. "We continue to reduce our dependence on Russian energy resources so that Russia can no longer use our energy resources against us.

We undertake to work with countries around the world to increase global food and energy security," the Ministers' statement was declared. They also confirmed that their commitment to support Ukraine for its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity "will never shake" and made an obligation "to support Ukraine as much as it will be needed, while increasing economic pressure and imposing severe sanctions and other restrictions on Russia ".

We will remind, Focus wrote that the profile committee of the Lower Hall of the United States supported the bill, which in the future would confiscate frozen assets of Russia. It is expected that then these funds will be transferred to Ukraine as financial assistance. It is about the money of the Russian Central Bank, reports on November 8, Voice of America.

According to the Republican Michael McKol, a two -parliament and bicameral bill requires the Presidential Administration Joe Baiden to transfer frozen sovereign assets of Russia to Ukraine. The document must now be considered in Congress. It is interesting that in Russia continue to say that confiscation of their foreign assets will not cause any harm to the country.