
US prepares maneuvene laser weapons for the army: knock UAVs up to 600 kg

According to military engineers, laser weapons should be maneuverable to move quickly with the troops on the battlefield. The US Army needs compact laser weapons to combat unmanned aerial vehicles weighing up to 600 kg. To this end, prototypes are being developed, which would meet the basic requirements of the military, reports Militation Aerospace.

The army bureau of prototyping of weapons of directing energy in Redstone Arsenal (Alabama, USA) seeks to increase the ability of laser weapons to withstand a hostile UAV weighing up to £ 1320 (about 600 kg, ed. ), Also called "UAV 3rd class".

But above all, the military should evaluate the operational maturity of industrial laser weapons subsystems, such as laser beam management systems, power and thermal systems, threat tracking systems that can integrate with hardware and software interfaces and available control and control systems. According to military engineers, laser weapons against drones should be relatively mobile in order not to slow down troops and allow them to move quickly.

Devices should be based on the modular architecture of open systems (MOSA), destroy or disable enemy unmanned aerial vehicles. The military has already offered several options for such weapons. After her demonstration tests, they will choose the best devices to take them. Earlier, we wrote about what the perfect laser weapon against drones should be.