
"Remove": after the terrorist attack in the "crocus" 16 thousand people were announced to the war - the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

The Russian department claims that the recruits to capture the neighboring country are motivated by the desire to "take revenge on Ukrainians for the terrorist attack of Islamists. " The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation stated that 16,000 Russians have been signed up against Ukraine in the last 10 days. About it writes the Russian edition "Medusa".

In addition, in the defense department of the Russians claim that the number of people who want to go to Ukraine on a contract - according to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, has increased, about 1,700 people come to the settlement points in Russia daily. They motivate them, according to the military department, the desire to "take revenge on the Ukrainians for the terrorist attack of Islamists" in the shopping center "City Hall".

"During the interviews held over the last week at the selection points in the cities of Russia, most candidates as a major motive to conclude a contract indicated the desire to take revenge on the died in the tragedy, which happened on March 22, 2024 in the Podmoskov region," - said in the message, which as how. The agitation is distributed by the military department.

On the last day of March, Financial Times published a social survey among the Russians as to who they think is involved in the terrorist attack. As the publication notes, more than half of the respondents claim that Kiev is standing in Moscow, despite the fact that IDIL took responsibility "although propaganda and Russian officials did not provide any evidence of Ukraine's involvement in the terrorist attack, most Russians believe them. She imposed the truth favorable to her, "FT emphasizes.

And immediately he adds that given the suppression of dissent of dissent by the regime of Russian leader Vladimir Putin, it is still difficult to determine how really anti -Ukrainian sentiment in Russia has increased. Many Russians, surveyed after the attack, believed in the "Ukrainian trail".

According to the Anglo-Ukrainian online survey of OpenMinds, which shared their results with FT, more than 50% of Russian citizens were accused of Ukrainian authorities in the terrorist attack and only about 27% indicated IDIL. Another 6% believe that the "collective event", namely the United States, United Kingdom and NATO, is to blame. At the same time, according to OpenMinds, more than 75% of respondents consider Putin "the most reliable or fully reliable source" of information on the attack.

At the same time, Russia has respondents who are not convinced of Ukraine's involvement in the terrorist attack. According to OpenMinds, those who oppose the war in Ukraine are more likely to believe in the attack of IDIL. Among the opponents of their "50% are accused of IDIL compared to 12% of those who support the war. "The Russians are well able to repeat propaganda plots in public opinion polls. From the study of public opinion.

We will remind, on April 2 the officer of the 59th separate infantry brigade. Jacob Gandyuk Sergey Teshotsky told how the Ukrainian military managed to repel one of the largest tank attacks of the Russian Federation in the Avdiivsky direction. Jacob Gandyuk Sergey Teshotsky told how the Ukrainian military managed to repel one of the largest tank attacks of the Russian Federation in the Avdiivsky direction.