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The productivity of one Chinese armed plant can reach almost 400,000 missiles a ...

A Thousand Proscators a day: China showed an automated weapon release plant (video)

The productivity of one Chinese armed plant can reach almost 400,000 missiles a year. What type of rockets is available, they did not specify in China, but showed a volley of ground launchers, as well as from air and water. In China, there is a minimum of one plant, which produces 1 thousand winged missiles daily. The Chinese did not tell what kind and caliber of the shells. At the same time they showed how rockets from land, from aircraft and warships were launched.

Video from the plant in the People's Republic of China was analyzed by experts of the Polish portal Defense24. The portal journalists paid attention to a video fragment with the CCTV-7 Chinese State Channel. The record shows the maximum automated plant for the production of certain products. There are no person in the production shops near the conveyors, the entry testifies.

At the same time, the voice according to the frame tells that it is a plant for the production of winged and anti -ship missiles. The productivity of one plant is 1 thousand units per day (ie 30 thousand per month and 360 thousand per year). The portal noted that the company was as automated as possible. So it can work around the clock. It is not clear from the recording which rockets of which caliber is said: whether these are simple unmanaged missiles, or winged, or anti -ship.

However, the latest footage shows the drainage from the various military equipment that China has. The authors of the article suggested that video may be propaganda and some production parameters can be exaggerated. At the same time, they emphasized that even if the entry is true in half, it is really threatening. "It is unclear from the recording to which rockets are these figures (for example, simple unmanaged missiles, winged or anti -ship missiles) or what their proportions are.

There is currently no confirmation of this information, although it is no secret that Beijing is rapidly increasing their production capacity , - summed up Defense24 experts. SCTV-7 is a state television channel of China that leads around the clock. On the portal of the TV channel you can see the plots that show citizens of China: among them a large part tells about troops and weapons.

China's leader Xi Jinping during the re -election in the spring of 2023 stated that he plans to join Taiwan Island to the PRC. Meanwhile, Taiwan is an island country governed by the rightful Chinese government, forced to emigrate after the Communists came to power. The United States and Taiwan are allies and the threat of a PRC attack was held during the negotiations, which in the fall of 2023 was held by President Joe Biden and Xi Jinping.

At the same time, the island government continued to increase weapons in case of attack. The media, meanwhile, noted that China plans to increase its nuclear potential, which is lagging behind in the US and Russia. We remind that in the spring of 2024 a representative of the PRC made a tour of Europe, communicating on the theme of the Russian-Ukrainian war. After that, a representative of China to the UN stated that they had prepared special "conditions" that make peaceful negotiations possible.