Budanov was not injured from a blow in Odessa: NSDC denied Russian fake
However, the head of the Center for Combating Misinformation at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Andriy Kovalenko in his Telegram channel denied this information. It should be noted that the Russians reported that other representatives of intelligence services and military experts from the United Kingdom and France could stay there during the attack.
"The Bristol Hotel contained military experts from the UK and France, who arrived in the territory of Ukraine for the purpose of coordinating sabotage operations, including preparation for attacks on objects in Crimea and organizing provocations in the southern direction," the Russian Telegram reads channels. There are no information about the stay of military experts from Britain and France to confirm or refute these words. Instead, the head of GUR is all right, Kovalenko assured.
"With the chief of the GUR, MO Kirill Budanov is all good," he wrote. Kovalenko also urged Ukrainians not to spread Russian fakes. We will add that the mayor of Odessa Gennady Trukhanov reported in his Telegram-channel about the consequences of the attack. According to him, two victims who were transported at local hospitals are known. "Many damage and destruction in the UNESCO security zone, a damaged building that comes under increased protection," Trukhanov wrote.
Currently, the relevant services are operating at the scene, and several city trolleybuses have changed the route due to the attack. We will remind, on the evening of January 31 the Russians struck three rocket strikes at the historic center of Odessa. Due to the attack near the famous local Bristol Hotel, a large vyrva was formed, as reported by Focus.