
Russian oil companies in the first two weeks of December sharply increased exports of diesel sea

Experts say that growth was made possible by the almost complete removal of export embargo, which was introduced at the end of September 2023. During the first two weeks of December 2023, Russian oil companies sharply increased exports of diesel fuel with a sea, which, as a result, recovered to one million barrels a day. About it reports the Russian edition "Kommersant".

According to the source, such growth was made possible by the almost complete removal of export embargo, which was introduced at the end of September 2023. With reference to the data of analysts of the French company Kpler, the publication reports that in the first weeks of December, Russia resumed maritime exports of diesel to the level of 1 million barrels per day, which is the maximum indicator of August 2023. And all this was due to the abolition of export restrictions.

The Russian authorities have introduced the embargo to export gasoline and diesel from September 21. As a result, diesel tanker supplies have decreased to 740 thousand barrels a day in September. However, after two weeks, the ban on exports for diesel, which is heading to the ports of pipeline transport, has been removed because the maintenance of a complete ban on exports threatens the refinery of the refinery with the capture and reduction of oil refining.

In October, maritime exports of diesel showed an increase of up to 768 thousand barrels per day. Already in November, the Russian Federation removed the embargo for gasoline exports, and at the end of the month also for the export of summer diesel. According to experts, maritime exports in November increased to an average of 800 thousand barrels a day. Winter DPs were withdrawn from the ban, the demand for which is growing in Russia during the cold.

It should be noted that the most purchased Russian diesel Turkey. There, the most affected by the embargo, as long as the former level of imports are being restored. Brazil, which increases imports from the Russian Federation for the third month in a row, is the second place in terms of supply. Recall that in the spring of 2023, the United States imposed new sanctions against Roscomps related to MIC.