
France has discovered fake site recruitment for war in Ukraine with signs of Russian IPSO - Guardian

According to the French Ministry of Defense, the site had all the signs of "Russian or pro -Russian efforts within the framework of the misinformation campaign, which claims that the French army is preparing to send troops to Ukraine. " The French Ministry of Defense has found a website that contained a unreliable campaign on the recruitment of French volunteers to participate in the war in Ukraine.

The department reported this on Thursday, March 28, reports Guardian with reference to AFP news agency. According to the newspaper, the site was immediately blocked by French profile services, but according to insider information it became known that 200,000 French were invited to "enroll in service in Ukraine", and priority was given to immigrants.

"This site is a fake government site, and it was re -published by malicious accounts within the campaign for misinformation," said the Ministry on the social network X. According to the Ministry of Defense, a reference to the site, which was reminiscent The site had all the signs of "Russian or pro -Russian efforts as part of a misinformation campaign, which claims that the French army is preparing to send troops to Ukraine.

" The fake site suggested potential recruits to contact the "Paul Unit Commander" to obtain information about entry. According to Guardian, recent examples of similar misinformation campaigns contained photos of columns of the French army that allegedly moving to the Ukrainian border. The Defense Ministry and Cybersecurity Units of France are investigating these incidents.

They associate the intensification of these information hybrid attacks with the French government rhetoric, including President Macron, who strengthened it on Russia's aggression in Ukraine. "French President Emmanuel Macron became angry with the Russian leadership last month, refusing to exclude the departure of land troops and insisting that Europe should do everything necessary for the defeat of Russia," Guardian emphasizes.

As AFP reported to government sources, the relevant services have intensified efforts to combat what they call Russian campaigns for misinformation and destabilization, "aimed at undermining France's public support in Ukraine in its war against Russia.

" NATO's plans for the placement of NATO's contingent in Ukraine have not yet been announced, but in February, German Chancellor, Olaf Soltz, reported that some French and British servicemen were assisting Ukrainian troops with a purposeful setting of Storm Shadow/Scalp missiles. For the first time, the proposal to send NATO troops to Ukraine was announced in February. The President of France, however, said that there is no consensus on this issue, but "nothing has been excluded.