
Arrive to Moscow: Armed Forces attack rosi with drones with a si - CNN

Ukrainian drones have actually learned how to determine the geography and the purpose they go to, without connection with satellites. Sources of journalists claim that all UAV attacks are agreed with the allies in advance. Ukrainian drones, equipped with artificial intelligence, make successful attempts to harm the energy sphere of Russia. About it reports CNN.

According to sources, Ukrainian drones successfully reach Moscow, Ryazan and other major cities in Russia, where important oil refineries are located. The Russian air defense system has difficulty in cessation, which leads to an increase in successful attacks of the Armed Forces. The journalists noted that Ukrainian fighters are striking in the large -scale Russian oil and gas industry.

Despite the prohibitions on imports and price limits by the West, this industry remains the main source of income for Moscow's military economy. Attacks were made due to the use of unmanned devices with advanced radius and improved functionality. Some of them even began to integrate the basic model of artificial intelligence to ensure navigation and avoid obstacles, the source said. "Accuracy during muffling is ensured by the use of artificial intelligence.

Each UAV has a terminal computer with satellite data and locality data. Flights are agreed in advance with our allies, and drones adhere to the flight plan so that we can hit goals with meter accuracy," It is in the message. The drone sensors are high accuracy. It is equipped with "machine vision", which is a form of artificial intelligence. The drone is trained to determine the geographical objects and the goals to which it goes.

It is able to determine its location even without connection with satellites. The former British military officer and expert in the fight against drones and artificial intelligence Chris Lincoln-Johns noted that the level of "intelligence" of drones still remains very low. "This level of autonomy has not been in drones before, but we are still in the early stages of the potential of this technology," he said CNN.

According to the publication, Ukraine successfully develops the scope of unmanned aerial vehicles, which brings it a technological advantage even compared to Russia, which has a significant human resource and better industrial equipment. Several experts, which CNN contacted, noted that the strikes caused by Ukraine were not directed at fuel warehouses, but at distillation units, where raw oil is subjected to fuel processing and other derivatives.