
Russia hopes for the breakthrough of the front, the situation is critical - expert

According to the Choiter of Foreign Policy Programs and Coordinator of the International Projects of the Razumkov Center Alexei Melnikov, the official statements of the Ukrainian side sometimes put too much emphasis on reassuring society. Russia continues to believe in the possibility of an operational breakthrough of Ukrainian defense and promotion deep into the territory of Ukraine. This is confirmed by the high intensity of hostilities observed in the last months.

This was stated by the foreign policy programs and the Coordinator of the International Projects of the Razumkov Center, military expert Alexei Melnyk in an interview with OBOZ. The expert estimates that the average daily number of combat clashes is about one hundred, which indicates a stable high intensity of hostilities. Melnyk also stressed that there is not enough information to accurately assess the risk of breakthrough of Ukrainian defense.

"If we talk about risks, you need to be very careful here, because I do not have the situation about our defense lines. It is not only the presence of engineering and forming structures, it is also the provision of personnel, the quality of personnel, the presence of reserves, the ability to transfer these reserves from One plot to another, "says Melnyk. The expert added that Ukraine has a general idea of ​​the possibilities of the Russian army, but many details are not revealed.

"But as for our side, for obvious reasons, many details do not reveal, and in official statements, in my opinion, sometimes too much emphasis is placed on reassuring society, not causing extra alarm and panic," Melnyk added. Thus, according to the expert, Ukraine is in a critical phase when Russia has a strategic advantage at the combat Theater.

We will remind, on June 27 the adviser of the mayor Mariupol Petro Andryushchenko declared that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation prepare an offensive in the south. According to him, the coal "opens the gate" to the railway connection to the Crimea. And its launch will allow the Russians to use their resources more efficiently.