
Easy target for exploration of the Russian Federation: Bloomberg wrote about the problem of online casinos in the Armed Forces

According to the newspaper, military personnel at the front can earn about $ 2,500, most of which are gambling. Ukraine is actively fighting the problem of gambling among its servicemen. The country's authorities take measures to counteract this phenomenon, as it causes serious fears of undermining the moral spirit and the threat of security. Bloomberg writes about it.

"A petition presented to Ukrainian servicemen indicates that servicemen who often spend long hours out of combat operations spend most of their monthly paid on online games on mobile phones. US dollars) for a month that is fifth exceeds the average salary in Ukraine, "the material reads.

The document presented by Pavel Petrychenko from the 59th Brigade describes the situation where Ukrainian soldiers spend their money for gambling, borrows to cover debt, and sometimes even lay down military equipment, such as drones and thermal imagers to pay their debts. The petition emphasizes that for many military personnel gambling become the only way to cope with stress, which leads to rapid formation of addiction and undermines their self -discipline.

The petition has collected the required number of signatures for consideration-25,000. The document also emphasizes the risk that Russian operators can target their advertising on the military, trying to access their personal data. According to the author of the petition, the servicemen who owed are the perfect target for manipulative campaigns conducted by Russian intelligence.

The Ukrainian Parliamentary Yaroslav Zheleznyak reported that a meeting of the Parliamentary Committee will be held on Thursday, which will discuss the bill, which establishes strict control over the gambling business, in particular provides consequences for illegal advertising.

The Commander of the UAV Branch in the 59th AMPB of the Armed Forces Pavel Petrychenko stated that he was approached by representatives of a number of foreign media, including France Press, Al Jazeera and BBC, but he fundamentally refused to comment because he considers it an internal problem. "This is our internal problem and we have to solve it ourselves.

Therefore, I ask journalists, or their representatives in Ukraine, do not waste time on requests to me and without my consent not to take information from my social networks and interview Ukrainian media in international media," - Petrichenko wrote. On March 28, People's Deputy Alexei Goncharenko stated that the military, instead of investing money in housing, loses them in a casino. He stated that 9 out of 10 Ukrainian defenders suffer from gambling (Ludomania).

The commander of the department of the 24th OSH of the Armed Forces of Ukraine "Aidar" Stanislav Bunyatov denied that such problems suffer only "rear" military from boredom. The commander of the UAV department in the 59th OMPB of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Pavel Petrychenko, who created a petition to the president. He stated that servicemen who have been far from their families for the third year without being able to rest properly and are psychologically vulnerable in constant stress.