
"Touches 600 ships": Europe has agreed sanctions against the "shadow fleet" of the Russian Federation, - Bloomberg

The European countries have approved the London Plan for Sanctions for Fleet from hundreds of ships transporting Russian oil. Bloomberg notes currently under the restrictions of US, Great Britain and the EU, are already in more than 60 tankers. 44 European countries have approved tough measures for the so -called "shadow fleet" of Russian oil tankers used to bypass international sanctions. This is written by Bloomberg, Prime Minister Kir Starmer said.

A joint "appeal" is aimed at breaking the fleet of about 600 vessels, which, according to Western countries, are used by Moscow to transport about 1. 7 million barrels of oil per day. The UK government also announced sanctions on 11 tankers used to transport Russian oil.

"Together with our European partners, we have sent a clear signal to those who help Putin's attempts to bypass sanctions: we will not allow the Russian shadow fleet and the dirty money he brings to move freely with European waters and risk our security," the old man said.

Also, as it became known, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky will participate in a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on July 19 to discuss these measures, becoming the first foreign leader after US President Bill Clinton in 1997, who will personally speak at a government meeting. The oil tanker fleet is used to finance the Russian military machine, as well as poses an environmental threat to Europe's waterways.

Some of the vessels also act as Russian listening stations and carry weapons, quotes the statement of the British government. According to the updated sanction list, eight of the 11 tankers, which have been imposed by London's sanctions, belong to the Russian state oil business business of PJSC "Sovcomflot", and three three have signs of vessels of the shadow fleet.

In addition, the publication reports that more than 60 oil tankers are now under the sanctions of the US, Great Britain or the European Union. Of the 11, they were already the object of EU sanctions. Restrictive measures have now led to the vast majority of tankers in question have stopped collecting goods. We will remind, the Russian "Sovcomflot" has a large number of tankers of the class "Afraax", capable of transporting almost 700 thousand barrels of oil.