
The Armed Forces were thrown off armored vehicles and a battalion to the left bank of the Kherson region: why is it important

The Marines of the Armed Forces forced the Russians to leave some areas on the left bank of the Dnieper. Successes increase over time: it has come to the thumping of heavy BMPs and infantry battalion. Focus found out how real it is to release new territories in the south in the near future. Ukrainian troops are likely to prepare a military operation on the left bank of the Dnieper in the Kherson region.

Armored vehicles and a light infantry battalion were transferred there, the American Institute for War Study has reported. Experts cite as evidence of photography of the tracked landing transport of the Armed Forces, which transports the infantry fighting machine (BMP) to the village of Krynka. The settlement is located 30 kilometers northeast of Kherson. Several armored personnel carriers were delivered to the same area. About 300 Ukrainian military hold positions in the center of the village.

The fighting also lasts near the Pomp, Peschany and Podstepny. The invaders unsuccessfully block the Dnieper, but the Armed Forces manages to throw the personnel, analysts say. Open data DeepState command confirms the success of Ukrainians. The Marines Corps launched surgery on the left bank of the Dnieper on October 14 in several places. The enemy knew about plans, but still retreated: part of the Russian garrison from the village of Krynka fled to the T2206 highway, experts say.

The Armed Forces failed to keep the achievements near the speech in the depths of the village of Podstepny. The enemy is played by drones, artillery and Solnicecoc NOS system, Deepstate notes. The Ukrainian General Staff did not cover the course of the fighting and success of the Armed Forces on the left bank of the Kherson region. Ukrainian soldiers are fighting and defeat on the enemy's rear defeat, according to military construction.

Severe armored vehicles are clearly not intended for sabotage raids - such outings are carried out by small groups of soldiers. The successes in the overturning of heavy BMPs testify to the overcoming of complex obstacles and additional losses of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, told the focus a veteran of the Russian-Ukrainian war, a major in the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces Alexei Hetman. "The Armed Forces involved military-engineering equipment from Western partners.

Do not forget about bridges and means of overcoming water obstacles that we receive. After all, everyone talks about tanks, missiles and air defense," Hetman notes. Heavy artillery to transfer to the left bank of the Dnieper early. First you need to clean the space for Artduel. Expanding the gray zone in the temporarily occupied part of the Kherson region, the Armed Forces are pushing Russian troops from Kherson so that the city is not fired from artillery.

In parallel, ways to promote to the Crimea are opened, the military says. The large -scale promotion of the Armed Forces in the Kherson region requires a large amount of military resources. Need long -range artillery, ammunition, engineering technique for the destruction of fortifications of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and means of guidance of pontoon crossings.

First of all, advanced air defense systems will be required to protect against the aircraft of the Russians, says the focus of the reserve colonel, an expector of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Vladislav Seleznev. "The battalion will not be able to enter into full battles.

The counter -offensive and the de -occupation of the Right -Bank Kherson region were conducted by three full infantry brigades of the Armed Forces with the support of two more artillery brigades," he emphasized. It is obvious that the situation in the south of the Kherson region is dynamic. The Russians are nervous-it proves the transfer of units of the 7th Airborne Assault Division of the Armed Forces of Russia, which operated near the robot.

The Ukrainian forces, according to Seleznov, will continue shelling of Russian troops from the right bank of the Dnieper. The invaders spent little time in the southern direction, counting on the inability of the Armed Forces to force the Dnieper. Now the occupiers have realized what risks they would come across and hastily build fortifications south of the Konka River, the reserve colonel summed up. Focus earlier wrote about the Armed Forces advance in three sections in the Kherson direction.