
"Conservation and multiplication of the people": Putin suggested to the Russians increase the birth rate (video)

According to the Russian President, Russian citizens need to take an example of peoples who raise five or more children, as it is "the future of the Russian world. " Russian President Vladimir Putin said that "savings and multiplication of the people" is a key task of Russia for the next decades. About it reports Russian media "RBC". It is reported that the Russian leader signed a decree that 2024 was declared the year of the family in the Russian Federation.

On the occasion of signing Putin made a report on family problems and birth rates in Russia. According to the Russian President, fertility raising is "the future of the Russian world. " "Many of our peoples, thank God, retain the tradition of a strong multi -cinnamon family, where four, five and more children are raised. Recall that in Russian families in many of our grandmothers, the great -grandmother of children had seven and seven, and eight and more people.

Let's keep these wonderful traditions and revive, "Putin said. According to Putin's statement, overcoming the acute demographic problem faced by Russia is impossible only "with the help of money, social payments, benefits, benefits, individual programs. " "At the heart of the family, in the birth of a child are love, trust, strong moral support. We should by no means forget about it," Putin said.

We will remind, the executive director of the Institute of Transformation of Northern Eurasia Vladimir Gorbach in an interview with Focus said that Putin's statements about readiness for negotiations with Ukraine are a fully apparent position, and the least agrees to the consolidation of already captured territories, including Crimea. Earlier, the UK Army Colonel Glen Grant suggested that Putin was preparing for a protracted war with Ukraine, continuing the strikes until Kiev broke.