
Debts on trillions: the Russian Federation calculated how the budget changes in war and sanctions

The Russian State debt increased by 2. 2 trillion rubles in the first half of 2023. This is despite the fact that 2. 5 trillion rubles were planned for the whole year. Russia continues to increase its public debt. Moscow increases borrowing, in particular to cover the budget deficit. This is evidenced by data in the operational report of the Accounting Chamber of the Russian Federation. Thus, in the first half of 2023, the State Bargrus increased by 2.

2 trillion rubles, although it was planned that the whole year would be at the level of 2. 5 trillion rubles. It is noted that in the period from January to June this year, the State Defense Council of the Russian Federation added 10% - to 2. 24 trillion rubles. In total, the amount of government debt increased by 27. 5%for the year (since July 2022).

"In the first half of 2023, the Russian economy developed in the face of maintaining high sanction pressure and trade restrictions on the background of the expected slowdown in the growth of economies of the largest countries in the world," - said in an operational report. Thus, as of July 1 this year, the amount of the government debt was at the level of 25 trillion rubles - this is about 16. 7% of the projected GDP.

The cost of servicing public debt also increased: as of the 1 number, the figure reached 718. 1 billion rubles. This is 4% more than comparable to the middle of 2022, and at once by 42%-how to compare with the middle of 2021. "At the same time, the volume of public external debt in dollars decreased by 1 178. 6 million, or by 2. 1 %, compared to the volume as of January 1, 2023 (57 416.

8 million dollars), mostly by changing public debt on state guarantees of Russian guarantees Federation in foreign currency, " - the document reads. As for the budget of the aggressor country, in the first half of 2023 it was made with a shortage of 2. 35 trillion rubles. Revenues of the Russian Federation compared to the first half of the year 2022 decreased by 1. 64 trillion rubles (11. 7%). It is noteworthy that the income from the sale of oil and gas decreased by almost 3 trillions of rubles.

Russia spends, judging by statistics, also more than usual, since costs have increased by 2. 2 trillion rubles. As stated in the publication, the income was executed by 47. 4% of the plan (in the first half of 2022 it was 56%), expenditures-by 49. 3% (in 2022 for the same period it was 48. 2%). We will remind, according to Bloomberg of September 22, the Russian Federation plans to significantly increase the military expenses in 2024. Yes, Moscow wants to spend 6% of its gross domestic product on defense.