
Create units from scratch: in the Russian Federation for infantry preparation is less than a month - GUR (video)

According to Vadim Skibitsky, Deputy Head of Ukrainian Intelligence, the enemy tries to increase the land contingent in Ukraine. If at the beginning of the year there were 450-460 thousand soldiers, now there are 474,000. Less than a month is spent on the preparation of new units. This was stated by the Deputy Chief of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense (GUR MOU) Vadim Skibitsky in an interview with Apostrophe TV.

According to him, it is about those units that form from scratch. Preparation time was decided to cut greatly. For example, infantrymen are produced in just 27 days. It includes individual preparation, preparation in the unit, as well as combat coordination. "Now the land component of the enemy in our territories has about 474 thousand soldiers. By the beginning of 2024, this figure varied within 450-460 thousand soldiers.

There is an increase, but by forming the so-called reserve regiments and the introduction of additional units,"-said Vadim Skibitsky. It was separately stated that the enemy also accelerated the issue of professional military. It is about artillerymen, tankers and more. They are released early, and money can be extra motivation. At the same time, the main losses in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are recorded just among the usual infantry.

The 80% of the equipment they use is restored or upgraded. Only in 20% of cases are new tanks, armored personnel carriers, BMPs, artillery systems and more. GUR is said to be indicative that the enemy managed to produce no more than 200 new tanks a year. We will remind, on March 26 it was reported that intelligence estimated whether the Kremlin would send new units to Ukraine.