
Ukraine with new weapons changes its military strategy and preparing to break the course of war - NYT

Ukraine changes its military strategy after receiving a new armament of a long range, according to the New York Times. The publication notes that in the spring and summer of 2022, Ukrainian troops were fired by Russian artillery in eastern Ukraine, gradually losing their positions and up to 200 military a day in unequal battles. Video of the day and over the last weeks of the Armed Forces have changed the strategy through Western weapons and have succeeded, at least now, in slowing Russia.

NYT journalists say that by receiving an increasing arsenal of long -range Western weapons and with the help of guerrillas, Ukraine was able to impress Russian forces deeply in the enemy rear, thus violating critical supply chains and affecting targets that are key to Moscow's combat potential. In turn, the new weapon of the Armed Forces forced Russia to rebuild its tactics on the battlefield, creating some space for Ukrainians making more strategic decisions, the article says.

NYT celebrates explosions at the occupied Crimea and the blasting of bridges in the Kherson region. “This strategy seems to produce some results. Although the Ukrainian military has not achieved serious territorial success, they managed to slow down Russia's promotion at least at this time and stop the heavy losses that Ukraine suffered in recent months, ”the newspaper writes.

But at the same time, the enemy continues to put pressure in the east and south, and some positions are gradually bending. Thus, the Russian military still have enough strength to continue offensive operations, according to the authors of the article. Ukraine's efforts in the south are not so change of approach as expanding with a new weapon of greater range of a strategy adopted at the beginning of the war and called to equalize the rules of play with Russia.

Since the Russian army is far superior to Ukraine's forces by the number of servicemen, weapons and ammunition, the Ukrainian armed forces should be innovative and flexible, according to the article. The authors point out that Ukraine hopes to break the course of war in the south in the Kherson region. Using HIMARS and other long -range weapons, the Ukrainian forces have slowly reduced Russia's ability to supply territories on the right bank of the Dnieper, including Kherson.