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At the disposal of The Insider got the complaint archive to the military prosecu...

"A one-way ticket". Who from the Russian Federation is sent to the war and why Russian parents prefer money instead of a son - an interview with Dobrokhotov

At the disposal of The Insider got the complaint archive to the military prosecutor's office of Russia, which, according to the publication, reflects the real situation during the war in Ukraine.

Journalists write that stitches are abandoned or coercive in the war zone, soldiers do not provide normal nutrition and medical care, contractors specifically violate all rules and rules of the charter to be removed from service, and parents can not receive any information about their captives or killed children. From the same complaints of Russian citizens, the publication learned about the looting and atrocities of Russian soldiers in Ukraine.

Video on the details of the investigation and his impressions in an interview with Radio NV was told by Roman Dobhotov, editor -in -chief of The Insider. - What are your strongest impressions of what you read? - Much of it was expected, but it made the impression, because one thing is just to know what was happening and the other - to read about it in the presentation of relatives and the soldiers themselves. There were things that became somewhat unexpected.

For example, the story of Gerl-Frend of one of the soldiers who writes a letter that her lover disappeared. Then the parents received a letter that he was killed, sent some closed coffin, buried. And it turned out that they buried at all unclear who and the soldier, most likely in captivity. [Girl] tried to give help, she was told: "Let's an official request from relatives.

" And the parents did not want to issue this request, because they had already received funeral money for him, in general, they did not want to be interested in further fate. - This is a terrible story, I will stop there. It seems sorry for such details, there were just some feet, they were buried. Gerl-Frend of this military even saw him in video, concluding that he was alive. You may know, there is such a hot line of the living from Ukraine.

From the beginning of large -scale aggression, the Russians could simply call this line and find out something about their relatives, if such data were. How do you think how many people agreed to come? Exactly zero people. No man wanted to come neither to pick up the body of his loved one or just a relative who was captured. - Yes, in some cases it can be written off that people are afraid to go to the country with which the war goes.

But in this case, it was not necessary to contact the Ukrainians themselves. It was necessary to contact the military prosecutor's office, there was nothing to be afraid. I realized so much that they decided: if it is captured, they will return-so they will be returned, and the money in any case has already been received, and now they will take away the money-I do not want to contact. About such logic. And it is important to understand.

Many people now say: what will happen when the death toll and the wounded grows to the big one? Will there be indignation? Such families show that these are exactly not those who go to protest and indignant if they are ready to prefer several hundred thousand rubles instead of their own son. I think that these people wait for some protest.