
"Engels", "Swiar" and not only: expert named Russian F-16 fighter fighters (video)

Anatoly Khrapchynsky believes that thanks to the fourth generation fighters, Ukraine will also be able to strike on manufacturers of airbombs, as well as in the Moscow military factories. Schikovka and Engels aerodromes can become the potential targets of F-16 fighters in the Russian Federation. This was stated by the Deputy Director of the Ukrainian Company of the manufacturers of the IP, Aviation expert Anatoly Khrapchinsky on the air "Kyiv24".

"We will be able to destroy such airfields as" Sick ", where strategic aviation," Engels ". Next goes the same warehouses or manufacturers of aviation. This is the 53rd arsenal at a distance of about 600 kilometers. , Is the Moscow region, "he said. At the same time, the air expert noted that the Moscow region is probably the only place in the Russian Federation, where there is a large accumulation of air defense.

According to Khrapchynsky, the F-16 aircraft can be used in most aerodromes located near the border with Ukraine. It is also about the airplanes where Su-34 is based. It is Kuban, Rostov region. "All of these airfields are strategically under the defeat of Ukraine.

The factor that the Russians now transferred most of their strategic aircraft to the reindeer airfield, which is at a distance of 2 thousand kilometers, confirms that they understand the threat that can be from the outside Ukraine, "Khrapchinsky explained. We will remind, on May 22 a spokesman for the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces Ilya Yevlash announced that the first group of specialists in the F-16 fighter specialists returned to Ukraine.