
"How much has taken up, so much and yours": Putin's ally hints at the negotiations, wants to outwit Trump - the media

According to ISW estimates, the Kremlin does not intend to compromise against the territories. According to Fyodor Lukyanov, the director of scientific work "Valdai discussion club", "With the territories just everything is clear: how much he occupied, so much and yours. " In recent months, the focus of public attention has shifted to Ukraine's news in Ukraine towards the prospect of peace talks, especially after returning to the White House of President Donald Trump. Sky News writes about it.

Although Trump failed to stop the war in Ukraine in one day, as he planned, there is still an opinion that under his leadership, the general dynamics will significantly improve, at least by reducing the support of Kiev. In turn, in recent weeks, the Kremlin's position has been released from Moscow in recent weeks. The Russian State Information Agency Tarsom has published an interview with Fyodor Lukyanov, director of scientific work "Valdai Discussion Club".

Lukyanov has repeatedly moderated Putin's annual speech on Valdai and is considered a reputable voice, well informed about the Kremlin's goals, according to the Leading Analytical Center "Institute of War Study". "It is not necessary to count on large arrangements," - with such a heading, his interview was published, which emphasized the efforts of the Kremlin to form internal and global expectations from potential negotiations between Putin and Trump.

"The decision of Tars to use Lukyanov's interview to weaken internal speculations regarding the possibility of a peace agreement in the near future also emphasizes the relevance . Speaking of the Ukrainian territories that are now being held by Russian troops, he said that "it is clear with the territories: how much he has taken, so much of yours," and that, according to ISW, the Kremlin does not intend to compromise.

According to American analysts, such a position suggests that the Kremlin probably believes that any future peace talks with Trump will begin with the recognition of the United States of Territorial Claims of the Russian Federation for Ukraine, probably, including And areas that Russia does not occupy.

According to Lukyanov, Russia's main requirement for future peace talks with Trump is "a change in the landscape of security in Eastern Europe" and "the abandonment of a number of provisions on which NATO existence and functioning is based. " He also noted that Russia could also discuss the possibility of reducing NATO military presence. We will remind that on January 28 the People's Deputy Maria Mezentseva-Fedorenko stated that Zelensky's decree was banned from Putin's negotiations.