
Suspect of Crimes: The Russian Federation wants to send a new category of persons to the war against Ukraine - the media

The Russian authorities wanted to allow persons who have the status of suspected crimes, to go to war against Ukraine to replenish the personnel of the occupation army. Russian legislators have approved the project of the law, which will allow the war against Ukraine a new category of persons to replenish the personnel of the army of the occupying country. Bloomberg writes about it.

The media notes that the upper house of the Russian Parliament, the Council of the Federation, approved the relevant project of the law after the day earlier the State Duma also supported the relevant changes in the legislation. According to the new adopted provisions, persons who have received suspicion or have been accused of committing different crimes may avoid court and sentence if they go into the army of the aggressor country.

Previously, only those who were convicted and sentenced had such an "possibility". The media points out that the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin has not yet signed new changes to the law, but such a solution "emphasizes the problems with the personnel facing the Armed Forces [RF].

" Three sources that are close to the Kremlin and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported that the Russian military receive insufficient replenishment to overlap the losses, which "are the highest from the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine [in February 2022].

" Bloomberg points out that the Kremlin tries to avoid a new wave of mobilization, since in 2022 Putin announced a conscription of 300,000 reservists, which then caused an increase in dissatisfaction among the Russians and the escape from the Russian Federation of hundreds of thousands of citizens. Therefore, adds to the media, the Kremlin recruits new people to the army, focused on increasing payments, patriotism and other incentives when entering the occupation army.