
They were hidden very carefully: Putin's yacht is repaired on a NATO country shipyard - investigators (video)

The President of the Russian Federation is repaired by a company that simultaneously repairs NATO ships and has access to secret military information, is evidenced by the investigation. In this case, the Kremlin's owner's ship is hidden in depth of the hangar closed from outsiders. One of the ten yachts of Russian President Vladimir Putin is quietly in the Port of NATO, where it is repaired, diligently hidden from prying eyes.

The investigators made several attempts to get to the ship, and they were able to see it only with the help of a drone. The details of the investigation are discussed in the video on the YouTube channel of the Russian opposition policy "Khodorkovsky Live". The video stated that the investigators were interested in two Putin yachts-a 71-meter Victoria yacht and a 38-meter orion yacht that accompanies a 71-meter super-ship. The first vessel was found in the NATO Bay - on a shipyard in Istanbul.

The second is in the port of Lomonosov near St. Petersburg in the Russian Federation. Meanwhile, Putin's residence is in Sochi, 800 km and 1900 km (straight) from the location of precious ships, the authors indicate. Victoria was built for several years in the Russian company "Sevmash", which is located in Severodvinsk and specializes in submarines, according to the video.

After the ship seemed to be ready, it was in 2019 (after the annexation of Crimea) was put into order by the Turkish company ISA Yachts. The cost is about $ 50 million: the late owner of Wagner PEC Yevgeny Prigogin and Russian oligarch and Putin's friend Gennadiy Tymchenko have been involved in the funds, investigators explained.

With the beginning of the invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine in 2022, the Victoria yacht was noticed for some time near Putin's residence in Sochi - the data of the monitoring portals testified. Then they noticed how she headed to the port in Istanbul and disappeared somewhere in the middle of the shipyard, where the ships were repaired. Investigators found a shipyard where a 71-meter yacht could be. It was noted that its parking location is barely noticeable between two large ships.

They made some attempts to approach closer. At first they tried through the gate "in the future" - they were not allowed. Then they hired a yacht and tried to see something from the sea - it was not possible. Eventually, they raised a drone that found Victoria in the depth of the hangar. The ship was recognized by the letter V on the stern, so the investigators are convinced that they found Putin's 50 million ship.

As it turned out, the shipyard, where the Putin ship is so carefully buried, belongs to the Turkish company Desan. The company, the authors of the video, engages in repair and maintenance of various types of vessels, including military, relevant to NATO structures. In particular, "it has a admission of the North Atlantic Alliance to work with secret information," - says Khodorkovsky Live video.

At the same time, another vessel - Orion - did not risks to bring it outside the Russian Federation, investigators told. According to their data, this vessel is stationed on the pier in Lomonosov. Investigators summed up what is known about the Kremlin head: "10 Putin yachts are two flotillas. One is in the Baltic Sea. The other is in the Black. It would seem that one person is so many ships? But the President does not use them in loneliness," The authors hinted.

It should be noted that Roszma journalists calculated how many Russian citizens will pay for an exhibition that will be held in November in order to solemnly announce Putin about participation in the presidential election. According to preliminary estimates, the Russians will cost "billions of rubles". Meanwhile, the Russian oppositionist and exhibitor of the FSB of the Russian Federation Gennady Gudkov analyzed why the media so often raises the question of the possible death of the Kremlin head.

In his opinion, someone can do it very influential from Putin's environment. Moreover, such reports are impressed that the head of the Russian Federation is "eternal". We remind you that the head of the PRC, Xi Jinping, met with Putin in September 2023: the meeting was reported that they were expecting to conclude a "large -scale agreement".