
US Army General Millie is forced to defend his family from Trump - media

Former United States Defense Minister, Mark Esper, warns that Donald Trump may take revenge on the top officer in the event of a presidential election for his statement. The Chairman of the Joint Committee of the Chiefs of Staff of the United States, General Mark Millie, who resigned, said on Wednesday, September 27, forced to take steps to protect his family after the threats of US expression Donald Trump. About it reports Reuters.

The day before, Donald Trump criticized General Millie's actions to withdraw US troops from Afghanistan in 2020. He accused the general of the train disaster and falsely stated that phone calls to colleagues in China, sanctioned at that time by the officials of the Trump administration, were a "treacherous act", writes The Washington Post.

"This act is so screaming that in the past, death would be a punishment! The result of this treacherous act could be the war between China and the United States," said the 44th US president on his platform Truth Social, without any evidence. Former US Defense Minister Mark Esper believes that Expatamous Donald Trump may really take revenge on Millie Mill in the event of re -arriving in power, writes The Hill. "If you remember from my memoirs . . .

I cite the circumstances when Trump incited by his loved ones wanted . . . to give under the tribunal Admiral Macraven and General McRistal for some things they allegedly told in public space and us Millie had to persuade the President not to do so for various reasons, " - reminds the former Pentagon head. Therefore, Esper thinks that General Millie's fears of Trump's certain retribution are absolutely legitimate.

Millie, appointed Chairman of the Joint Committee of Chiefs of Staff himself, in the last months of his cadence has really contacted Chinese colleagues to assure them that the United States is not going to attack China. The general relied on the intelligence, writes Washington Post, according to which Beijing believed that the United States was preparing for a blow to China, and therefore could attack the first.

At the same time, Millie suffered training in the Indo-Pacific region and asked to swear to higher officers that if Trump would manage a nuclear strike, this would not happen without Millie's consent. The commander then assessed Trump's condition as a mental disorder. Millie did not publicly respond to the accusation.

However, he noted earlier that there was a "devastating drum" criticism against the Pentagon, which, in his opinion, is "a deliberate attempt to blacken the officers and leaders of the Armed Forces, as well as to politicize the Armed Forces. " He added that China's calls were not treacherous or inappropriate, and he would never turn away from the US Constitution as a serviceman at 44 years old.

According to colleagues and experts who cooperated closely with him, this statement by General Millie is classic for him. Despite Trump's attempts to undermine democracy and the constitutional rule of law, Millie did not allow the US Armed Forces to be involved in the electoral chaos in 2020 and managed key aspects of supporting the Pentagon of Ukraine. Later, Millie would say that he had fears that Trump could give illegal orders, and that if he did it, they would not be fulfilled.

" General Millie entered the post of Chairman of the Joint Committee of Staff Chiefs in October 2019 and is going to resign on September 30. According to many military experts and politicians, Millie has earned the status of one of the most influential and most affordable warlords in recent times.

He headed the Armed Forces of America during the difficult period, which included the restless months of Donald Trump's presidency, catastrophic withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan and Washington's confrontation with Moscow. We will remind, Focus wrote that General Millie believes in the victory of Ukraine and believes that the offensive of the Armed Forces did not fail. Earlier, Focus reported who would replace General Millie as the Chairman of the Joint Committee of Chiefs of Headquarters.