
Polish air defense against rockets of the Russian Federation. Will the neighbors of Ukraine help

What conditions should Poland work out with Ukraine with a specific military cooperation? The military analyst Ivan Kirichevsky disassembles this issue, seeing both big problems and indisputable prospects. If you take a ground segment by medium and long range complexes, there are now 2 Petriot batteries, 4 Sky Sabre complexes from the United Kingdom (similar IRIS-T), 14 starting Soviet complexes C-125… And all. C-300 and Beech Poles under the Warsaw Treaty did not have time.

Yes, Poland has 48 F-16 aircraft, but there is a question of what farming the air-air rocket is under them. Moreover, fighter jets cannot be knocked down in balconies, so the calculations here and it is necessary to start with the ground component, which can be burst or "disappeared" in theory.

In addition, the Poles, with the limited resources of their resources, gave us the means of air defense in quite a landmark stories-for example, they "evaporated" the C-200 in 2023 and there were hints that "evaporated" in our direction. Apparently, there is not even an operational data exchange system between the two countries, where the Russian rocket or Shahamed flies to shoot.

If we talk about the regular involvement of Polish air defense equipment, then on our part it is necessary to outline the political format of conducting such an operation. This could even be called a "special anti -air operation" and, for example, to promise Poland that we will compensate them with the cost of "Petriots" during combat duty. Just so, without the corresponding political guarantees from our side, no one will do anything.

Germany has been working since 2022 on the launch of our own production of missiles to Patriot. And in Spain in 2024 it was news that this country would produce wiring for missiles for "Petriots" that will be produced in Germany. But for some reason, there is no country in the chain of production of "Petriots", although we are probably the most pressing need for complexes of this type on the planet.

It is necessary to look not only at the "magic of large numbers", that is, for example, plans to buy 1 000 tanks or 600 SAU, or 96 "apachers", but also on "magic of small numbers", that is, as Poles are systematically promoted in the implementation of these plans. For example, now the actual delivery of the K2 South Korean tanks for the Polish army is half a hundred cars a year.

Next, it is necessary to make the amendment that the tank unit acquires full combat capability in the Polish standards in 2-3 years. And it all shows that the scale of Polish plans for re -equipment is "charged" for long -term. There may be even dual-purpose projects: one of the profile resources in the Poles wrote about the calculations on the adaptation of the MiG-29 under a small satellite rocket (but there can easily be a aerobalistic missile).