
In the Russian Federation yesterday, probably protested "sovereign Internet" - analysts

According to ISW staff, there were mass failures on the available social networks of the Russian Federation, such as Telegram and YouTube. Prohibited sites, including Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, were also temporarily available. The test of the Russian "sovereign Internet" could have caused some applications of social networks the day before, on February 27, were temporarily available without VPN. About it reports "Institute of War Study" (ISW) in the summary of February 27.

According to analysts, Russia has "probably" protested part of the global web, which can eventually be isolated from all over the world. Russian sources have reported "several mass failures" on available social networks, such as Telegram and YouTube, as well as the temporary availability of banned sites, including Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

Media reports, citing a human rights project "Network Freedom", stresses that the Russian regulator in the communication of Roskomnadzor could use settings that belong to "technical means of counteracting threats". Meanwhile, it is reported that the deputy of the State Duma Anton Tkachov stated that the regulator's actions had a failure "when testing and reconciling the gateways to detect and close" bottles "to interfere with the forbidden content.