
Page explosions - the beginning of the Great War? What happens after Israel's attack on Hezbollah and what is Iraq here

The "Page" attack of Israel on "Hezbolla" made a great war in the Middle East practically inevitable, sums up blogger Yuri Bogdanov. Analyzing the situation, he shows how escalation can spread to neighboring countries, especially Iraq. In general, in the Middle East is interesting. Israel attacks Hezbolla. What makes a war between Israel and a terrorist organization almost inevitable. Or this attack is generally a direct prologue to war.

Yesterday, Prime Minister Iraq asked the United States to withdraw its troops from the country. To try to avoid involvement with Iran, which has a great influence in the country and can undermine political regime for the US military presence in the country. In addition, in Iraq, Shiite most clearly support the Palestinians and all the Iranian proxy who are fighting with Israel. Therefore, the country's government is trying to somehow avoid getting Iraq into a topical crisis.

But, on the other hand, the exit of Americans can, on the contrary, induce Iran to work even more actively in Iraq, as well as in parallel to re -strengthen the positions of ISIL, which, with the help of the US with great difficulty, tied. Iran has a broad influence in Iraq's internal affairs, especially through the support of political parties and Shiite organizations.

After the war between Israel and Hamas, in October, some of these militias were attacking the US base in the region, which increases the risks of escalation of conflict. The escalation of the conflict between Iran and Israel risks turning to Iraq with a catastrophe. In the case of a full -scale clash between Iran and Israel, Iraq will inevitably become a battlefield, so the country is directly interested in the same de -escalation.

Iraq is the most problematic of the relatively peaceful countries of the region where the population is growing at the rate, Sunni and Shiite radical groups operate at the same time. And the country can put it at any time. In addition to Syria and Yemen, who are already burning. The war between Israel and Hezbolla can directly provoke escalation in Iraq and around Iraq.

And the expansion of Iranian interference in Iraq's affairs can already lead to escalation and so crisis and hostile relations of Iran and Saudi Arabia. As a result, the invasion of Israel in Lebanon can lead to a hybrid or even direct clash of Iran with the Iraq government and Saudi Arabia. What even deeper the entire Middle East in chaos and crisis will dip.

China and India, which are critically dependent on oil supply from this region (Russia has only notified part of their needs), will try to de -de -de -de -de -de -de -de -de -de -de -de -de -de -de -de -de -de -de -de -de -de -de -de -de -de -de -de -de -de -de -de -de -de -de -de -de -deposit will be tried. The US will probably try to reassure everyone a little. Will it come out? It is almost impossible to predict. In short, something is rising.