
The Armed Forces in the summer can break through the defense of the Russian Federation and enter the Azov: Colonel named the conditions (video)

According to Peter Chernyk, for future success at the front, it is necessary that four key factors are in one shock fist. In this case, by September, the line of defense of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation would be able to break. Ukrainian defenders are waiting for assistance from the United States of America. When weapons come in full, then the Armed Forces will increase significantly.

A military expert, a colonel of the Armed Forces Petro Chernyk on Channel 24, spoke more about the coming months of confrontation. According to him, when weapons on the front increase, then the defense forces may have a real opportunity to start their own offensive, at least in the southern direction. First, "four factors come across one shock fist. First of all, it is about Western weapons in Russia.

This would allow Kiev to keep the front, because the current scenario allows the occupiers to approach the Ukrainian borders. In the clusters of the troops, it would be the most useful in the northern direction. Up to 53 thousand personnel are concentrated in front of Sumy and Kharkiv regions, they can only be reached in trenches and armor only cassette ammunition, "Petro Chernyk said.