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Military analyst Julian Repke notes that in two main directions, the Russian mil...

The offensive of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Kharkiv region managed to stop thanks to weapons with the United States - Bild

Military analyst Julian Repke notes that in two main directions, the Russian military actually stood on the spot. And this was made possible by the supply of American weapons. The Armed Forces managed to stop the offensive of the occupation troops of the Russian Federation in Kharkiv region. In particular, thanks to weapons from the United States. This was stated by the German Bild analyst Julian Repke.

The analyst reports that the promotion of the Russian army has stalled 11 days after the border crossing in the north of the Kharkiv region. According to him, in the direction of the village of Liptsi of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation remain in the same border villages that they managed to capture in the first three days of the offensive.

And in the Volchansk region, from which the evacuation of the civilian population is carried out, battles are ongoing, but there is also no significant advancement in the vicinity. "The reason is the use of new American weapons by Ukraine. GLSDB bombs, Javelin bombs, 155 mm artillery shells, which came to the front line in Donetsk region," - said Repke. At the same time, according to the analyst, the Russian command continues to send its soldiers to "suicide attacks".

"One Monday, May 20, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation lost 67 units of armored vehicles in Ukraine. However, the Russian command continues to throw troops into suicide attacks," the material reads. We will remind, earlier the military serviceman of the Armed Forces and political scientist Cyril Sazonov noted that, judging by the intensity of shelling of Vovchansk, nothing will remain from the city.